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Hi there! My name is Amelie and I am 14. I have no surname because I live in a horrible orphanage called England's Orphanage, I know soooo creative! Nupe... I suffer from depression and anxiety and over all I am just a hard 14 year old to look after. I love YouTube. This is what has kept me out of killing myself which I have tried before. My favourite YouTubers are Daniel Howell or DanIsNotOnFire, AmazingPhil, Zoella, PointlessBlog, Joe Sugg, Shane, Tyler Oakley and Casper Lee however Dan and Phil are my absolute favourite. Okay I need to put this out there PHAN IS REAL! Even if they say it is not but it is xD

Hey guys! Yes I am writing a Dan and Phil one xD Get ready!! 

Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanWhere stories live. Discover now