And he is ill

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I wake up and get dressed. Last night Dan and Phil said that we were going to go to a meeting about the tour and get together some ideas. We already have the basic plan for it but we needed lines and song lyrics for our song. "Morning Dad!" I say, wrapping my arms around Phil from behind. 

"Morning!" He replied as he pour hot water into two cups. I'm guessing one for Dan as well but when he finished everything he handed me a mug of hot chocolate. 

"Is Daddy asleep still?" I ask whilst taking a sip of my drink and sitting on the side. Phil was now making pancakes and I was passing him the ingredients from the cupboards on my sides. 

"Well he is sick" He muttered and right on cue I saw Dan running into the bathroom and then Phil sighing as he started vomiting. Poor Dan. 

"What about the meeting today?" I ask and Phil gasps. 

"Oh! We might have to re-schedule or you can stay here with Daddy and I will go" He said as he handed me pancakes. We both walked into the living room when I offered to take Dan's pancakes in. I open the door and see him staring at his laptop and not noticing that I was in the same room as him. 

"Dad made pancakes" I whispered and his head shot up. 

"Okay. Tell Dad thanks" I nodded and handed him the plate and walked back into the living room, where Phil had a movie on. I sat down next to him and ate my pancakes in a comfortable silence.


Dan still felt ill and we had a meeting in half an hour. I was glad I didn't have school for another week so we could do more with the tour. I kinda wanted to be home-schooled but I'll ask them another day. "Amelie. I am gonna go the meeting and you are gonna stay here is that okay?" I nodded and Dad put his shoes on, put his coat on and kissed my head before saying goodbye to Dan and leaving. 

I walk into my parents room and sit on the bed. Dan turned over to look at me and he smiled weakly. "Are you alright Daddy?" I said and he half nodded. I laid down next to him and snuggled into his chest, not caring about being ill myself. 

"Do you wanna watch anime?," He asked whilst stroking my hair. "Gosh you need to cut your hair again" He laughed whilst turning on an anime that I haven't watched yet. I placed my head on his chest and he just rubbed my head. Half way through my eyes fluttered closed and all I felt was Dan's gentle heartbeat and breaths. 

Hey my snazzy ghost readers who don't comment or vote on my stories but I know you all exist because I almost have 2k views. I am going to end this book soon and then start another one when they start the tour. I hope you enjoyed so vote, comment and baiii


Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanWhere stories live. Discover now