Wedding day

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Phil POV

My heart was pounding. Today I will marry the person I love the most. We have time off tour and we go to America to do the American side of the tour in a few weeks. I had Alfie with me in the flat as Dan is in a hotel with Mark. Amelie was with Zoe at there place. Alfie was already in his tux and I was getting into mine whilst shaking like nuts. Alfie walked in my room and looked at me. "You alright Phil? We have to go in five cause the car will be here in five," He said and I nodded. 

"PHIL WE NEED TO GO!," Alfie shouted and I walked out and to the car with Alfie next to me. I opened the door and climbed in. "Where are you of to?," The man asks. "Of to a wedding," Alfie replied and I smiled. "Who's wedding?," The nosy man sad as he started to drive. "Mine," I perked up and he looked at me. "Who is the lucky girl?," He said happily and I look at Alfie. "Urm his name is Dan" "Oh. Oh. I am sorry, I didn't mean to ya know," The driver said awkwardly. The rest  of the drive was silent apart from the quiet radio in the background. I was on my phone looking through tweets saying good luck and Alfie was on Instagram. I wonder what my future husband is doing?


AhhHHHhhhHHHhhhHHHhhhHHhhHhHH!!!!!!!!! I am terrified! We are in the car on the way to the place we are having the wedding and I am panicking. We arrive to the were the wedding is being held. I look and it is were me and Phil met the first day me and him broke the distance. The trees had blossoms on it, the chairs were out nicely with people already sat down. I get taken around the back to see my Mum. "Oh Daniel!," My mum sobbed as she wrapped her arms around me. "Hey Mum," I smiled as she let go. 

The time has come. I held my Mum's arm and I walk down the isles. I see Phil at the front smiling at me. He looked to cute. Amelie was next to Alex as he was the ring man and she smiled at me with tears in her eyes. She had a light pink dress on with her trainers on. I giggled to myself about Amelie.  My heart was pounding so hard that I couldn't breath until I got to Phil. He looked at me with care and with an expression that he does whenever I am nervous. I nod and let the ceremony start. 

"Okay Phil you may say your vowels,"

 "Dan, ever since I met you I knew I had to be with you. Your loveable personality, your cute smile and dimples, the way you are a great Dad to our daughter and everything about you. I promise to help you with your depression. I promise to make you smile when you are lying face first on the floor. I promise to never leave you. I love you Daniel," He looked at me and I had visible tears in my eyes

 "Okay Dan you may say your vowels," 

"Phil, I love you. You have gotten me out of so many issues.  You were my first best friend. My first soulmate. You have helped me out of my depression. You have made me the happiest man alive and I will forever love you. I love your happy personality, your clumsiness, your smile and you new quiff. I promise to make you be the luckiest and happiest man alive. I love you Phil," I said with tear sliding down my face. Phil's warm hand wiped them off and I smiled at him. 

"Can I have the rings?," The pope said at Alex but he was spaced out. "Babe rings!," Amelie said into his ear and he handed the rings. "opps!," He laughed and so did everyone else. I slid Phil's ring on him and he did the same to me. 

"Do you Philip Michael Lester except Daniel James Howell to be your new husband?," 

"I do," He said smiling at me.

"Do you Daniel James Howell except Philip Michael Lester to be your new husband?,"

"I do," I said bravely and he smiled at me  

"May I present Mr and Mr Lester! You may now kiss the groom!," and with that Phil lent over to me and kissed me gently on the lips. I opened my eyes mid way and connected with his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder. "I love you Phil Lester," "I love you Dan Lester," 

AWWWWWWW XD I am so bad with writing speeches so I am sorry! 

~Love you happy author if you can even call me that <3

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