Get me away!

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I sat up and yawned. I walked out into the living room and looked at Dan. 

"Morning Dad!" I smiled. 

"Morning child" He yawned. He was sat in his normal sofa place editing the fnaf video. 

"What we doing today?" 

"Oh  we are going out for dinner with Zoe, Alfie and Cat"  

"Really!" I smiled brightly. 

"Yep at around 4pm," I skip into my room and throw on skinny jeans, a black and red beanie, black shirt and pull my hair up in a messy bun, grabbed my phone and walked back out. Phil was now out of his room and was cuddling up next to Dan watching AOT. I slid onto the sofa and watched it with them. After about 3 episodes Dan stood up and looked at us. 

"Do you want maltesers?," Me and Phil instantly replied with yes and he chucked us both a packet then we got to episode 4 which I fell asleep during on Phil's shoulder.

"Mimi you need to wake up" Phil said tapping my shoulder. 

"Why?" I complained. 

"Cause we are having dinner with Zoe, Alfie and Cat"  

"Oh yeah! Were are we going?" 


"Okay" I smiled and brushed through my hair and redoing my hair into another messy bun and then walked out the apartment. 

"Amelie you are so pretty tonight" Dan said. He was holding my hand because I am socially awkward and I get all funny around new people or busy places. 

"Thanks Dad" I grinned whilst we were in the lift.

We pulled up to the place we were eating at and Phil walked over to 3 people in the distance which looked like Zoe, Alfie and then the other person Cat. Still gripping onto Dan's hand we walked over to them. 

"Hey Dan!" Zoe smiled cheerfully "You must be Amelie!" I nodded slowly. 

"Hey," I whispered. We walked into the place and sat down. 

"Me and Dan are going to get drinks so you guys can talk" Phil said walking out the booth. I looked at Dan with a worried expression but he just nodded. 

"Hey Amelie!" Zoe smiled so I smiled back. 

"Sorry I-I-I am n-n-not very g-g-good wi-ith people" I stuttered. 

"Don't worry!" Alfie said. 

"We will talk to you so we can become friends yea?" He asked and I nodded with a small smile on my face. Cat just rolled her eyes and went back to her phone. I gulped and started to talk to Zoe and Alfie about random stuff.

I felt really uncomfortable. I got comfortable with Zoe and Alfie but Cat kept giving me death glares so I gave them back. Dan kept elbowing me and holding my hand. 

"I will be back" I smiled awkwardly at Phan and they nodded. I walked to the bathrooms and suddenly the door opened. It was Cat. 

"What is your problem love?" I said walking over to the mirror to redo my hair. 

"My problem is you!"

I walked out after having a fight with Cat in the bathroom, which involved insults and me getting angry and lashing out, and walked past Dan and Phil. They looked at me and Cat sat back down. I couldn't look at her. She was being horrible to me then I punched her hard around the face. I couldn't help it. My angriness made me do it. When I am angry I can't control it. It is like my body gets possessed by demons.

RING RING RING Oh shit it is Dad.

"Hey Dad" I mumbled

"Ams what happened?"

"I will tell you when we get home"

"Where are you"

"I walked out"

"No shit Sherlock!" He laughed

"Where are you?"



"Yes child?"

"Are you annoyed at me?"

"No sweetheart"

Okay she didn't tell him

"Tell me what"

"I said that out loud didn't I"

"Yep. Meet us at the taxi"

"Okay I love you"

"Love you too see you in a few"

I walked back and sat outside till my dad's came over with Zoe, Alfie and Cat. 

"Get me away from the bitch," I said 

"I am going to punch her again make her leave," I said getting stares from the others and a laugh from Cat. She said bye to the others, glared at me and walked off. 

"See you later guys," Dan said as the cab pulled up and we climbed in. Phil in front and me and Dan in the back. I placed my head on the window and blared music through my headphones to a. block out my silent crying and 2. to block out the bad thoughts of  'They hate me' 'They are going to send me back' 

Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanWhere stories live. Discover now