The Internet Is Here

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Phil ended his live show and walked back in. Amelie was snoozing away on my shoulder and he sat down next to me. I smile as he places a kiss on my lips. 

"You alright Lion?" I say and he nods. He looks over at our child and giggles a bit which then makes Amelie shoot up. She rubs her eyes and looks over at me.

"I am hungry" She complains and I look at Phil. 

"Takeaway?" Me and Amelie both nod and he laughs. 

"Can we get pizza?" I ask and the both of them nods before Phil takes off to order food. All of a sudden she hops up and grabs the Nintendo switch. She hands me the black remote that I have and her blue one. 

"Mario Kart or Over cooked?" She asks and I say Mario Kart. She puts the game on and we start. 


"SHHHSHHHHH Lemme concentrate you rat"

"I feel abused tbh he hit my butt with the shell"

"Daddy that was me"

"You little bitch!"


"I've ordered the piz- jesus Christ Dan, Amelie is beating you" He giggled and I looked at her and sure enough she crossed the line. She is so good at this game.

Amelie POV

The pizza finally came and we now have a song for our show! It is called The Internet Is Here! The lyrics are great and we all worked together! This is how the song goes.

Phil - Whenever I'm alone
Or if I'm feeling grey
There's one place I can go
To brighten up my day

Amelie - It makes me want to sing
That's how the show should end
But wouldn't it be good if I
Could sing it with a friend?

Dan - Whoa, whoa, what?
Phil, Amelie I think you should ask before you put me on the spot like this!

Okay, fine, whatever, I'll join in too

Phil - I might go outside
And feel more alive
Without Twitter
Where would I be?

Dan - I guess I'd be fit
And stop posting shiiii-

Amelie - Rubbish!

Dan - But Tumblr's a part of me!

Amelie - So many websites
So little time
Plus one or two
You should avoid

Dan - Just don't stop watching YouTube
Or we'll be unemployed!

All - The internet is here!
The internet is great!
When you've got lots of followers who needs a real mate?
It might be antisocial
But these days that is fine

Amelie - Cause life is so much better when you spend it all online!

Phil - A place where you can be yourself
No matter if you're geeky!

Dan - Find friends that share your hobbies
Even if they're freaky!

Amelie - Where any question in your head

Is answered in an instant!

Dan - Who cares if you procrastinate
Your one shot at existence!

All - The internet is here!
The internet is great!
When you've got lots of followers who needs a real mate?
Without the internet
We never would have met!

Phil- We'd never be here on a stage
Doing things we might regret!

Amelie - Dance break!

Phil - Who cares if you're a loser
And everybody knows it!

Dan - Or if you spend your life drawing whiskers on your noses!

Phil - Even if your chances of getting tanned are slim

Amelie - Or if you live vicariously through the life of a Sim!

Dil - Sheltay zomo!

All - The internet is here!
The internet is great!
When you've got lots of followers who needs a real mate?
It might be antisocial

But these days that is fine!

'Cause life is so much better!

Life is so much better!
Life is so much better
When you

We sent it off and I snuggled into Phil's side and placed my legs on Dan. We had Death Note on and I wasn't really paying attention. I was in a trance. I stare out into the distance. Why am I going on this tour? It's Dan and Phil not Dan, Phil and Amelie. They should do another tour before we all die alone. Death. We do all die alone. What is the point in humans if we die? We are all useless anyway. 

"Amelie?" Phil said kissing my forehead. I look up and smile a fake smile, a smile I have learnt to do well.


"Can you go to bed? You look and seem tired and we have a busy day tomorrow" I nod and stand up before hugging the both of them. I walk into my bedroom and pull out some pjs and Dan's hoodie. I slip them on before getting into bed with my laptop and watching some CrankThatFrank, a youtuber I have gotten into since I got adopted. I slowly fell asleep to some god old Emo crack reacting.


Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanWhere stories live. Discover now