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I woke up to a knock on my door and then a small Phil face peeping around the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Morning Mimi," He smiled. "Hey Dad," I yawned. "Can I stay in bed?," I complained falling back onto the pillow. Phil walked over and started to tickle me. "Get up Amelie!," He laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Alright I am up now get out so I can get ready!," I smiled and hugged him. He walked out and I rummaged into my suitcase for a black and white checked shirt with denim shorts.

I put on my glasses and walk out to the main room. "Dad is Daddy asleep?,"

(A/N: Phil= Dad and Dan= Daddy. Don't be disgusting....)

"Yes he is," "Can I wake him up?," I grinned and he nodded. "Go ahead!," He laughed and I walked over to wear Dan was peacefully sleeping..... but not for long..... "RISE AND SHINE MOTHERFUCKERS IT'S A BRAND NEW DAY ARE YOU GOING TO STAY IN BED LIKE A WUSS OR ARE YOU GONNA GET UP AND GRAB LIFE BY THE TITBALLS!," I shout and Phil's laugh fills the other room. "Amelie. Shut up. I want to sleep you little pest.," Dan said jokingly as he rolled over so I took the need to get on his bed and jump up and down before bouncing backwards completely off the bed. "Oh my god! Daddy wake up!," I shout from the ground and he still isn't awake. I have a mean plan. "Daddy! I am hurt!," At the point he sits up and rushes over to me. "I GOT YOU!," I shouted as he rolled his eyes. "Amelie! Don't do that again please!," He laughed and I grinned. "It got you up though," Phil laughed as he walked in. 

We managed to walk into Vidcon 2 minutes before we had to meet everyone. We sprinted down the hall, dodging everyone. "We made it!," I proudly announced as we ran onto the stage with everyone looking us. "Alright! Plans for today Dan, Phil and Amelie you are on stage first at 12:00 till 1:30, Joe, Zoe and Alfie on at 1:30 till 3:00 then Marzia, Felix, Sean and Mark 3:00 till 4:30 and then Joey and Daniel 4:30 till 6:00 then all on stage for the ending ceremony of Vidcon at 7:00! Go go go!," Me and my Dad's looked at the clock. It was 11:30am and we went over to the stage. We were talking about what we were going to do. We decided on doing a QnA, who knows me better, 7 second challenge and just talking about random things.

"Welcome to the stage Daniel Howell, Phil Lester and Amelie Howell-Lester AKA DanIsNotOnFire, AmazingPhil and MyNameIsAmelie!," We all walked onto the stage and sat down. "I can't escape the branding!," Dan said and me and Phil laughed. "Okay so lets say something about us then!," Dan said. "Okay. I am Amelie or MyNameIsAmelie and I am 13 years old. I was born on the 25/06/2004 and I have been adopted by two freakishly tall giants called Dan and Phil!," I giggle as the audience laugh as well. "I am Dan or Daniel Howell on YouTube NOT DANISNOTONFIRE!," He shouted the last bit, "I am a huge procrastinator and huge gaming expert compared to Phil!," He said looking at Phil. I felt the need to make a heart sign at them making everyone laugh. "Heart eyes!," I mouthed. "Dad's!," I shouted in their ears and they came back to realty. 

"Thank you guys so much and see you at Vidcon 2019!," I said along with all the other YouTuber's on stage. We all left the stage. 

We got to the hotel and fell asleep on the sofa whilst watching Anime. Dan head In Phil's neck and me with Phil's arm wrapped around me with my head in his side since they were way taller then me.

Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanWhere stories live. Discover now