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I left Amelie in her room and went to Phil who was editing an amazingphil video for tonight. "Babe" I whispered and Phil looks at me. I was literally about to cry. I picked up the blade that I had put in my pocket and he looked shocked.

"Dan you didn't?" Phil said, clearly hurt "No Lion. Amelie" "Amelie?" "Yes Amelie. She said she felt stupid and angry at herself for hurting me so she decided to hurt herself. Phil I am a bad parent!" I cried as he engulfed me into a hug. "Bear it wasn't your fault. I promise" Phil said looking at me in my eyes. I kissed him and snuggled into his chest. He put his laptop to the side and turned on some anime. "I love you" I whispered and he peered at me and kissed my nose carefully because it was still sore. I slowly fell asleep without eating.


Amelie POV

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I sat up. "Morning Mimi" Phil said as I slowly woke up. "Hey Dad" I smile and then I look at my phone. "Dad! Why am I up so early?" I questioned. It was two in the morning! "We are going to America for the American part of the tour remember you nutter?" Dad said smiling at me. "Oh yeah!" I giggled and climbed out of bed. Dad walked out the room and I got dressed into a Dan's over-sized hoodie and black skinny jeans. I grab my suitcase and knock on my parents door. "Come in!" I heard Dan say as I opened the door. "Morning Daddy!" I smiled as he picked up his suitcase. "Morning Ams. By the way your stuff that Phil took away from you are in the living room. I have put them in your bag for the flight all charged and everything" I smiled from ear to ear. "Thanks!"


We was in the taxi on the way to the airport and I was looking out the window. It was empty and emotionless. Over the past week I have been falling deeper and deeper into the pit of depression. I've kept a smile on my face the whole time. I guess that is what my talent is. Hiding my sadness. Right now I just had my head against the window with Panic! At The Disco in my ears making me stable... ish. 


I felt a tap on my shoulder. "We are here" I nodded and climbed out the car. I put on a fake smile and take one earbud out. I walked next to Dan with my hand gripped into mine. Phil got us all checked in and me and Dan sat down. "Amelie are you okay? You seem empty" He said like he literally knew how I was feeling. "I'm alright I guess" I said looking at my wrist which have scares that are now healing. "Ams. If you ever wanna talk I am here. I understand alright. I am here to support you. I love you so much remember that okay" I nodded at him and smiled, a real smile. I will text him on the plane. "You ready!" Phil says with a cheery smiles that makes me smile. "Yep" Me and Dan say at the same time and we follow Phil.  


We are on the plane and I scroll through Instagram. "Smile guys!" I say and they turned to the camera and I take a picture and post it with the caption of...

~This is where the picture would be blah blah ~

Get ready America, we are on or way for the America leg of the tour! Go get tickets at <3 Love you my chickens xx 

I tag my parents in the picture and I get loads of notifications from people liking it and commenting on it.  

"HELLO AND WELCOME ABORD AMERICAN AIRWAYS!" The piolet says and they do the safety stuff and soon enough we were in the air. I put on a film and Phil was already asleep and Dan was next to me cause I was in the middle so I texted him not wanting everyone else to hear.

Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanWhere stories live. Discover now