Math homework?

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My brain has switched off. It is maths and shi- "Amelie have you done your homework?," I forgot to do my fucking homework. Make up a lie Amelie... "Yea but I left it at home," I said rubbing my hands together. She glared at me so I glared back and went back to looking outside. About half an hour later I felt eyes looking at me but I didn't move. I was thinking. The voices have come back... Why am I on this planet? We are all going to die alone so why even be born? What is life? Why do people throw you onto the planet just to suff-  "Amelie? Amelie? AMELIE," I was soon cut off with my depressing thoughts and dragged back to realty. Hell. "Stay behind please," She demanded, "I wanna have a chat," It was last period and Phil was picking me up. "But my Da-" "You are staying behind, now pay attention," She turned around to the bored and I stuck my fingers up at her causing the class to snigger. 


I packed my bag and tried sneaking out until, "Amelie Howell-Lester get back in here!," I walked back in a looked at her. I was pissed. "Amelie! Why are you like this?," She looked at me and I just shrugged. "Where is your homework and why haven't you done it. Remember I know when you are lying. You are not very good at lying," I rolled my eyes whilst laughing awkwardly. "So I got home last night and slept! My Dad's were recording and I forgot I had homework," No I didn't I was lazy and didn't do  it so I slept. "You still have a detention tomorrow at lunch by the way," "What why! I joined fuc-..... ducking yesterday! I am new!," I complained. "Hand in homework for tomorrow or detention also-," My phone started ringing and it was Phil. I disrupted her sentence and answered.

"Amelie where are you?,"

"School I will be there in a few minutes,"

The teacher was giving me looks.

"Amelie what is wrong?,"

"I will talk to you in a second bye Dad,"

I hung up on him and looked at Mrs. "As I was saying stop spacing out of lessons! It is rude!," I looked at her and said sorry and ran out the room. "Got to go!," I shouted and I sprinted as fast as possible to the car.

"Hey Dad," I said, opening the door.

"Amelie why was you in school for another half an hour?,"

"Teacher wanted to talk," I said rolling my eyes. I sat with my head against the glass. The ride home was awkward as hell. We climbed up the stairs and I ran up to my room. Throwing my bag onto the ground I got a skype call from Francesca.

I was doing my  homework whilst talking to her. She was already on break and I had another day to break then Vidcon.


"Yes Lee?,"

"Are you going to Vidcon?,"

"Yes why?,"

"Are you?,"

"Yes are you!,"

"YES I FUCKING AM!!," I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"WE CAN BREAK THE DISTANCE!," I shouted and danced around my room. We were both crying our eyes out.

"Omg omg omg omg omg omg,"

"5 DAYS!!!!,"

"I need to go see you later bye best frwund," Francesca said as she blew a kiss to me. "Baiii bwestie," I stopped the call and went to Tumblr.

Phil POV 

"Dan," I shouted from the kitchen. "Yes Lion?," "Come here please?," I begged. He walked in a few seconds later. I wrap my arms around his chest and put my head into his neck. "Amelie took half an hour to get out of school today," "Why?," "I don't know. She wouldn't really talk," "I will see if she is okay?,"


I walk to Amelies' room and open the door. "Hey Ams," I said as she looks up from her screen. "Hey Dad. You alright?," She asked moving from her position to hug me. "How was school?" I smiled at her. "It was, well, school but I had these voices in my head throughout maths, didn't do my homework, wasn't listening and then get kept behind for half an hour! I swear to fucking God if she does it again I will stab her or myself," She said with an angry tone to her voice. "No you wouldn't Ams," She rolled her eyes and laughed. "What were the voices saying?," I asked cautiously because I think I know what it is. "Questioning existence," She said rubbing her laptop keys. "Oh an existential crisis . I have it and if you want to lay in my carpet space then go ahead," I laughed and kissed her forehead. "Love you child," "Love you Dad,"    

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