Vidcon here I come!

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"Amelie wake up. You need to pack for the flight which is in five hours. Amelie?," Dan woke me up again. He started to tickle me. "Dad. stoppp. pleasssseeeeee!," I laughed in-between breaths. "I AM UP!," I swat Dan's hand away from my sides and sit up. "Fineeeeee," Dad complained and walked off. I put on a black vest top, one of Dan's massive hoodies which by the way go down to my knees, black skinny jeans  and walk to the living room.

"Amelie? Is that my hoodie?," "Yes and no. It was yours and now it is mine," I smirked at him and he laughed. "I am going to pack," I announced to the room full of 2 people. "Okay! Call me if you need help because Dan-," Phil turns to look at Dan who was in his sofa crease, "Needs to pack," I laughed and nodded.


The taxi had arrived and we were all packed, now we had to walk down the millions of stairs that our apartment had nicely given us. yay. Dragging our cases we got into the taxi when I got a message from Abbie.

Abbie: Hey! Have fun at Vidcon!

Amelie: Ty luv x In the taxi now. Wuu2? x

Abbie: nothink much x

Amelie: Same bored as hell but D&P are being cute as fuck! ;D

Abbie: Awww your Dad's are cute hehe gtg luv you x

Amelie: hehe baii meh dude...

I laughed and Phil looked at me then my phone. "Oooooo who you texting Mimi?," "Abbie and you guys are too cuteeeee!," I said dragging on the cute. "Haha, I know," Dan said coming from Phils' shoulder and kissing Phils' nose. "AWW I CAN'T," I giggled. Dan went back to snuggling into Phil's shoulder and Phil placing his head on Dan. I went back to being the antisocial person I am and went onto Instagram. I did a pole on my story. 

Hey chickens x So as you all know me, @DanielHowell and @AmazingPhil are going to Vidcon! I was thinking that I could vlog! 

VLOG!           DON'T VLOG!

I sent it to the story and laughed as my notification's went NUTS! Most people said to vlog including Dan and Phil. "Is that okay?," I said moving my head to them and they nodded. I pulled my phone out and started.

"Hey my chickens and wel-," "Chickens?," Dan said interrupting my intro. "Yes chickens Dad and welcome to a vlog with your fav person ever Amelie and also Dan and Phil cause they are with me and we are on our way to VIDCON! We at in a taxi at the moment and are 2 minutes away so see ya on the plane!," I turn off my phone soon enough we got kicked out the taxi. I was going to record a aesthetically pleasing montage. We signed in and did that malarkey then we got on the plane. I enthusiastically run up the stairs to first class and got into our seats. I was sat in-between my Dads. I pulled my phone out again.

"So we are on the plane now and in our seats. I am sat in-between Dad," I showed the camera into Dan's face, "And Phil," I showed the camera Phil's face, "And we are going to be watching TV, eating food, editing and yea! See you when we are in AMERICA!," I shouted and got stares from the posh people from around us. We all laughed as Dan set up the camera for take off for my vlog. "Thanks Dan!," I smiled and soon enough the plane took off.

"We have landed in LA thank you for choosing American Airways and enjoy your holiday!," We climbed off and was suddenly hit with the warmth of America! "So my people we have landed safely and didn't die!," I said giggling at my camera. I did another aesthetically pleasing montage and got back into the taxi. "Do you guys have any shows?," I said and they nodded. "If you want you can come to them! We need someone to read out the questions and you will be so funny at our show!," Phil said and Dan nodded his head. "Sure! Will I meet YouTubers?," I said holding onto the oversized hoodies that was on my body. "Yes but we will be with you! They are all so nice so you will be fine!," Dan replied so I nodded. I hope they were saying the truth. 

"Hello and welcome to the Plasma hotel! What are the rooms booked under?," "Lester," Phil said. My hand was clutching onto Dan. I peered into his eyes and I looked at him with a scared look. "Okay room 208," We walked down to our room when I broke the silence. "What if I get angry at someone?," I whimpered. "We are here Amelie don't worry,"


Amelie was really nervous I could tell. By the way she spoke, the way she acted, the way she was panicking. Ams was in the room that was attached and I was on cuddling Phil and he smiled. Gosh he is so cute. His smile, his eyes, his hair, his personality. I don't know how I met this wonderful man. He was amazing. My phone started to ring which brought me out of my trance. It was Tyler.

"Hey Dan!," Tyler's happy voice chirped down the phone. "Hey Tyler!," I said back. "Lots of us are going for dinner in a ten and I was wondering would you guys like to come? I want to meet Amelie and so do the other so please!?," Tyler said and laughed. "Course T see you in a few!," I hung up. "Phil, Amelie we are going to dinner with the Tyler and the others!," I shouted and Amelie walks into the room. She had a hair in a messy bun and still had my large hoodie on her. She looked adorable. "Dad I look horrible," She muffled into the hoodie. "No you don't! You loo beautiful! Lets go come on Phil!,"

We walked down stairs and Phil had hold of my hand and Amelie held his hand. We could see around ten YouTubers there. Tyler, Joey, Daniel, Zoe, Alfie, Joe, Felix, Marzia, Sean and Mark. Amelie looked really nervous so I told Phil to walk on. "Amelie. Are you alright?" "I am scared! What if they don't like me?" "Amelie Howell-Lester course they will like you! You are amazing and much more!," I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. "Thanks Dad," She smiled at me. "Just be yourself," I said as we walked into the room. Tyler ran over. "OH MY GOSH SISTERRRRRR HIIII!," Tyler said hugging Amelie tightly then highfiving me. 

Amelie POV

I suddenly got squashed by Tyler Oakley. The fucking Tyler Oakley but me being the freak I am stood there in shock. Still holding onto Dan's hand using the other hand I clung onto my jumper. So many of my favourite YouTubers there. Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa, Daniel Preda, Zoe Sugg, Alfie Deyes, Joe Sugg, Pewdiepie aka Felix, Marzia, Jacksepticeye aka Sean and Markaplier aka Mark. We walked over to the group of people and I stood there like that awkward person at a party. We sat down and everyone was asking questions to me. "So Amelie. How old are you?," Sean said. "I-I-I-I am 14," I said with my hands shaking on my lap. 

By the end of the dinner I was fine but not my normal self like I am with Dan and Phil. "See you tomorrow at 10am!," Joey said whilst holding Daniel's hand. "Bye guys!," Zoe said as we all walked into our rooms.

"Night guys!," I said as I grabbed my pjs. I put on

 I put on

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and climb into bed. I fell asleep at 4:00am but oh well.


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