Welcome home!

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I saw Phil in a cab waving towards us. I jumped in next to Phil and smiled. Dan jumped into the front. I plugged in my headphones and listened to some music and soon enough we arrive at their flat or well our flat. I beamed as I grabbed my box and skipped inside.


"Perfect!," Phil complained, "We have to walk up a million trillion stairs!" I laughed but soon stopped to see how tall the building was and how many stairs there were.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed as I climbed the stairs.

When we finally got to the flat Dan opened the door. "Welcome to your new home!"

My mind went crazy. I was in the actual Dan and Phil house and now they are my parents? 

"Amelie this is your room! It used to be Phil's but it is now yours!" My smile was really big and then I thought about Phil. 

"Where will Phil sleep? I can sleep on the sofa Phil" I say and Dan and Phil looked at each other.

 "Well actually Phil will be in my room" Dan said and I kept my cool.... not really. 

"PHAN IS REAL?!," I said smiling and they nodded "I mean coollll... I am such a fangirl oh my god" I laughed, joined by Dan then Phil. 

"I am going to sort out my room see you in a few!" I skipped down the hall and opened the door.

I put my posters around the room, clothes in drawers and I hid my blades in my drawer. I even locked it so no one apart from could get. I put the keys in my pocket and go into the living room to see my Dad's cuddling each other and watching anime. "Awww" I muttered to myself and sit on the edge of the sofa.

"Hi guys!" I smile

"Hey Amelie" Dan smiled.

"Are you hungry?" Phil said and I nodded my head. 

"What do you want?"

"OREOS" I blurt out. I haven't had oreos since I was 4 and I was 14. 

"Haha sure! I am down for oreos!" Dan said laughing and Phil hopped up and grabbed them. 

"I've forgotten how much I lovveeee oreos" I murmured. 

"They are so fucking good"

"Oi language!," Phil said but Dan just laughed and said "I knew it she is my child!,"

 I died of laughed and said sorry to Phil. 

"I meant to say ducking," I cry-laughed. I think I am going to like it here I thought to myself.

Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanWhere stories live. Discover now