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Your girl got tagged! Ty @HollySkater


Do this is 3 days


10 facts about yourself!

1.) I am 13.

2.) I used to be scared of gummy bears when I was little.

3.) I am an introvert.

4.) I am apart of MANY fandoms!

5.) I live in good old England........

6.) I have broken over 10 bones in 3 years. That is just broken.....

7.) I just realised how boring I am.

8.) I have been on Wattpad since April 2018.

9.) I am bi

10.) This is the final fact.

ALRIGHT I tag everyone that reads this cause I have no friends....

Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora