Joe's birthday

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So today has been a normal day in the Lester family. I got up, got ready for the day, ate breakfast, Dan and Phil were recording for DanAndPhilGAMES, Phil edited and uploaded, ate lunch, watched anime and got Starbucks. 

"Amelie, tonight we are going to dinner for Joe's birthday and it is a fancy place so you might want to get ready cause we leave in half an hour, also wear something smart like a dress please and we are going back to his after for a party" Dan said as he got up. I looked at him like he was joking and he walked into his room. I mentally swore to myself. I completely ignored the fact that he said to wear a dress and pulled out a red and black plaid shirt, a white shirt to go underneath and some black ripped jeans. I am not wearing a flipping dress thank you very much! I pulled everything on and brushed my light blue hair. I placed my glasses on my face, not caring about make-up and then heard a knock on my door. 

"Time to leave Ams!" Phil shouted through the door so I pulled on some black boots, grabbed my phone (that was blasting Troye's new album) and walked out. Dan and Phil were both in suits and Dan looked at me. 

"Amelie! I said a dress or something smart," He scolded as I look at myself. I like it so they can shut it, " I would make you  get dressed but the taxi is here. Gosh why are you so tough sometimes!" I rolled my eyes as we walked out of our apartment and into our taxi to make our way to this place. I placed my head on the window like normally and Lane Boy by TOP came on the radio. I was trying not to scream the lyrics but when it got to the rap I had to do it.

"I'm sorry if that question I asked last. Scared you a bit like a hazmat, in a gas mask if you ask Zack. He's my brother, he likes when I rap fast. But let's backtrack. Back to this. Who would you live and die for on that list? But the problem is, there's another list that exists. And no one really wants to think about this. Forget sanity, forget salary, forget vanity, my morality. If you get in between someone I love and me You're gonna feel the heat of my cavalry. All these songs I'm hearing are so heartless. Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless" I rapped and Dan's sharp elbow went into my side. The driver clapped and Phil laughed but Dan just looked PISSED!


We finally got to the restaurant and met up with everyone else. There was a party after the food so we would all be heading back to his apartment. There was me, Dan, Phil, Joe, Zoe, Louise, Matt, Darcie, Alfie, Casper, Oli and Mark. More people would be at Joe's afterwards. Everyone was dressed up, even Darcie had a cute bow in her hair and a light pink dress on. After getting our table I have Darcie sat on my lap with Louise one side of me then Zoe. Darcie was happily chatting to me until I heard my name being tossed around the table. I looked up in confusion and they all looked at me. "Sorry, I heard my name" I nervously choked out and they all laughed.

"We was talking about how you look! Your blue hair is amazing!" Mark said to me and I smiled. I wasn't really in the mood to be out to I wasn't in a talkative mood. 

Later on in the evening we had eaten and Darcie was now falling asleep on Louise. I pulled my phone out of my hands and looked at my phone screen. I haven't spoken to Francesca in a while. I go onto messages and text her.

Me: Hey Frank! Miss you! Xx How you doing in America? 

I sent the message and it didn't send. I tried again and again but it wouldn't send. Did she block me? I go to dm her on Instagram when I saw a message from a few weeks ago from her.

FrancescaIsAQueen_: Hey. I hate you and never really liked you. only was friends with you because of your parents haha. loser. fuck you slut die in hell 

I whimper and Zoe hears my small whimper and looks at me with a worried face. I show her the phone and her face drops. I place my head on her shoulder and she gives me the phone. "I am sorry sweetheart" She says and I smile. 

"It's fine. Thanks Zo Zo" I whisper in her ear and I put my phone in my pocket and space out till everyone stands up to leave. I get up and follow my parents to the taxi. I sigh as I pull out my headphone and put my playlist on shuffle and fall asleep.


I woke up to music blasting as I sat up in a bedroom. Joe's room. I walk down the stairs and everyone cheers as they see me. I see Joe, Dan, Phil, Casper, Zoe, Louise, Mark, Alfie, Oli, Tyler, Troye, Mikey, Josh, Byron, Connor, Jack and Toff. I smile as Troye walks over to me and we start talking.


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Joe! Happy birthday to you!" We all sing and he blows out his candle. I kinda wanna just eat the cake. I am on a sugar high now. I forced Joe, Louise, Zoe and Troye out of sugar and now I am jazzed. I walk over to my parents who where currently talking to Tyler and poke them. 

"Dads, dads, dads, dads, dads" I nag and they all look towards me. Dan's eyes go wide as he looks at my eyes.

"H-have you had sugar?" I nod quickly and Phil face palms and Tyler is laughing his head off. Dan looks drunk and Phil, luckily, is sober. 

"Daddy are you drunk?" I giggle and he shakes his head but Phil nods his head. Dan slaps his arm playfully them kisses him after. I smile at the cuteness.


I was now laying on the sofa with Dan, Phil, Joe and Zoe and Dan was playing with my hair and then I felt my eyes close slowly.

Really bad chapter and no body is reading but idc imma still write but happy late birthday Joe. I love you x

-from your shitty author

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