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"Amelie? You need to get up now sweetheart," Someone whispered shaking my shoulders. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my phone screen. "2 FUCKING AM?," I screeched and I fell back onto my pillow. "Language Ams," Phil laughed whilst pulling me out of bed. "Dad! I am up okay!," I complained as I climbed out of bed. "Pack and get dressed in an hour so we can get the cab in time," Dan said. Dan's hair was his hobbit hair and still in his pjs but Phil in another hand was fully dressed. They walk out the room and I grab a P!ATD shirt, black skinny jeans and Dan's hoodie which falls down to my knees, since I am 5'2, and walk into the bathroom. 

I walk out fully dressed, glasses on, hair done and brushed teeth and start to pack the rubbish that I brought with me. An hour later we were sat in a cab on the way to the airport which sadly was an hour away. Dan already had his browsing position on the go with Tumblr on the screen, Phil was on his phone on twitter and I was curled in-between them. My head on Phil's shoulder and my legs are under Dan's laptop. I then slowly fell asleep because they are so fucking comfy. 

We arrive at the airport at 4 and I felt myself get carried into the airport. I open my eyes a little bit and see Dan's eyes looking at me. "You okay Amelie?," Dan said. "I am okay thanks Daddy. Do you want me to walk?," I questioned and he shook his head. "Nope it is fine until Phan girls come running over to us!," Dan laughed as Phil was sorting out the luggage. 

We were now on the plane in our seats. I was sat by the window then Phil then Dan. I had planned out the whole flight. Edit my vlog, binge watch anime, sleep, spam my Dad's with tweets and Instagram picture and eat. "Hello this is your captain speaking. My name is Ben and we are taking off. Seat belts please, seat belts please!," We had that talk about emergency landings and we started to move. My hand darted to Phil's hand as the plan went at full pelt and into the sky.

We got home at 5:00pm and we ordered pizza however I never ate my pizza because I crashed whilst uploading my vlog. 

Dan's POV

"Pizza is her-," My sentence soon cut off to Amelie asleep on Phil's lap. "More pizza for us then!," He laughed with his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth. "I am going to put her in her bed then we can eat," I said lifting Ams of Phil's lap. 

"Goodnight Amelie Howell-Lester. I love you so much," I said as I walked out the room. I climbed on the sofa next to Phil and he sunk into my chest. "Bear," Phil said looking into my eyes. His bright blue eyes going into my soul. "Yes Lion," "I wanna go on tour," I have had this thought for a while. "What will the people want?," I said rubbing Phil's shoulder. "Daniel Howell! Giving the people what they want could be the theme!," 

Is anyone else seeing Interactive Introverts? I was sooooo close but there was only one ticket left for VIP and I had to bring my Mum and normal seats me and my Mum would be separated. Believe me I was so upset that I was crying however my Mum is owing it all back by buying me D&P merch. Hehe. Getting the pink hoodie and the D&P pastel plushies AND tabinof because I still HAVEN'T GOT IT I KNOW MURDER ME! I have looked through it at school but they didn't let me take it out of the library. D:

~ Your sad author x 

Amelie Howell-Lester ~ Adopted by PhanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant