All of Nothing

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3rd POV

In the dark of night in Ninjago,  a Venomari soldier was running. He ran his fastest but was stopped by Zane. Zane held his two shurikens and ice covered the some of the ground and wall. The snake tried a different direction, he found electricity travel down the light post and Jay appeared. 

Jay: Hiyah! 

Jay whips his nunchucks at the snake, releasing electricity, but the snake ducks. He yries the alley only to fall, Kai appeared from fire. The Serpentine stood back up and ran back. He ran into Cole. He fell again.

Cole: Going somewhere? 

The Ninja surrounded him, holding their weapons against him. 

Venomari soldier: Uh-oh.  

Jay: Thought you could joyride through the town and not be noticed, eh? Where's the last Fangblade? 

Venomari soldier:  I don't know what you're talking about. 

Kai: You know what it is. The fourth Fangblade. When Pythor finds them all, he plans to unleash the Great Devourer. 

Venomari soldier: Oh. That Fangblade. Ha-ha. You're too late. Pythor's already there now. He's probably already digging it up. If I were you, I'd start preparing for the worst, because when the Great Devourer is awakened, there will be nothing it won't consume. 

Zane: Won't that mean it'll consume you too?

The snake was dumbfounded, realizing his mistake.

Venomari soldier: Ah! Please, you have to stop him. That snake is crazy. I don't wanna unleash the Great Devourer. I'm a snake, not food. 

Kai: Is it really too late to stop Pythor from getting the last Fangblade? 

Venomari soldier: You're days behind him. There's gotta be something else you can do.


(Y/N)'s POV

We were all the bridge, looking at the map of Ninjago. I stood next to Lloyd and Kai.

Nya: The Venomari's right. By the time we cast sail clear across to the other side of Ninjago, Pythor will have already beat us to the last Fangblade. 

Jay: Oh, come on, guys. This is the last one.  We gotta get it. We gotta think of something. 

Cole: Hmm. 

Lloyd: Hey.

Cole: Huh?

Lloyd: All we have to do is just get one Fangblade to stop him. 

I nod my head in agreement but not knowing where this will lead.

Lloyd: What if we take back the other three? Pythor wouldn't risk having them all on him. He's probably hidden them somewhere, while he goes for the fourth. 

I nodded, smiling.

Cole: It's so simple. 

Kai: Why didn't I think of that? 

Jay: It can't be that easy. 

Zane: Easy? My algorithms suggest taking the other three would be far more dangerous. Pythor would undoubtedly  have them protected by his top generals. 

Kai: Finally, I don't have to hold back. 

Lord Garmadon: Even if you could steal the other three, you don't even know where they are. 

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