A simple request

243 19 12

Song by Faith Marie-Antidote

Scarlett's POV:

Why does he always have to send his guard dogs after me? I have Rebel for crying out loud he will protect me if for some reason I can't do it myself. I heard the car pull up. I knew it was Atticus, it's always him. I stand up and take off my clothes; I could care less if he sees me or not. I'm standing there in my thong and lace bra. I look back at him then turn back around to face the water. I didn't even hesitate, I jump, the water surrounds my body and I am sinking to the bottom. I push myself back up and when I reach the top, I swim out as far as I possibly could. When I look back over he is sitting by Rebel.

I don't know why Zane can't come get me himself; he is always sending Atticus after me. When I get out, I walk over to him. "What do you want?"

"Zane wanted me to come get you."

"I'm a big girl, I don't need a babysitter."

"I know, he thought you might need a ride back."

I'm standing there in my thong and bra and I reach down to grab my sweat pants. I pull them on and then I grab my t-shirt. I keep glancing at him to see if he is watching me. As I'm putting it on I hear his voice from behind me.

"What did he do to you?" His voice has softened some. He seems concerned.

"Scarlett what happened?"

I want to avoid the subject so I bend down to grab Rebel's leash. "I'm fine really."

"The fuck you are, he did this."

I'm holding the leash, and looking out past the lake into the horizon. I'm trying not to cry. "It's my punishment for talking back and he was pissed that I got in the situation in the alley. Don't worry about it, I'm good."

"No you're not that's why you are here."

I look at him. "I just need time away, I need to think, I need to get away."

"I know but you need to come back with me; I don't want him hurting you again."

I tell him that I can manage getting back home myself. He tries to make me get in the car but when he reaches out to me and orders me again as if I'm a child being scolded for misbehaving it infuriates me.

"Scar just get in the damn car!"

I push him as hard as possible and tears are forming now. "Just let me be!"

I pull on Rebel and he jumps up and we start running. We run full force all the way back. I know he is following behind me to make sure that I am going back home so that is what I do. When I get back to the house I let Rebel run wild in the back yard then I run up the steps to the house.

I can hear Zane talking with someone but I don't bother to stop. I run up the stairs to my room shutting the door behind me. I take off my wet clothes and jump in the shower that is adjacent to me bedroom. When I come out with just a towel on, Zane is sitting in the chair.

I don't say anything when I walk over to the closet. I finish drying off and put on a red plaid mini shirt. Then I take my black top off the hanger and put it on and tie the bottom by my belly button. I reach over and grab my black boots that come up to my knees. Since he is sitting in my chair, I go over to the bench at the end of my bed and sit to put the boots on.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting dressed."

"And where do you plan on going dresses like that?"

"Out!" I am very blunt with him.

"I think you need to stay home tonight."

I look at him and stand up. I go over to the dresser to grab my brush and start brushing out my hair. Then I sit down to put on make-up. I avoid making eye contact with him.

"I don't want to punish you for disobeying me again."

"So don't." I look over and see the spark in his eye. I hit a nerve. "Zane, I'm not a little kid, I'm not even a teenager anymore. I'm fucking twenty-one; I'm an adult. You made sure that I could take care of myself. You and Marcus train me every freaking day for the last fourteen years, every day. And I don't need Atticus following me everywhere as if I'm a freaking kid."

He is taking it all it waiting on me to shut up before he says, "I would die if anything ever happens to you."

"I know you care for me. I get it, I do, but you can't keep me trapped like this. You can't punish me like you did last night; I'm an adult and you are going to have to deal with that."

"You know my rules, Scar I told you from day one what I expected from you."

"Yes and I was seven; I'm freaking twenty-one...look at me Zane, I'm an adult now; I'm not a kid anymore."

He looks at me from head to toe as I am talking to him. I know he doesn't approve of what I am wearing but he doesn't say anything.

"So you are determined to disobey me?"

"I don't want to, but I will face the consequences. I'm use to pain; you trained me to take it. I handled what you gave me last night so I can handle whatever you dish out. But I want you to trust me. Let me go. You know where I am at all times I know you have a tracer on me."

"Fine you can go but I don't like this and Atticus has to go with you."

"No that's not the deal...Atticus is not my babysitter."

"I'm not happy about this."

"You are never happy about anything, Zane you need a woman." I laugh.

He smirks back, "Ashton can drive you to where ever you are going."

"Actually I want to drive myself."

"Since when did you become so demanding?"

"Since now. Besides like father like daughter." I start to walk away but then stop to hug him and kiss him on the cheek. He pulls me into him and hugs me tight.

"I love you Scar, if anything happens...."

"I love you too and nothing is going to happen."

I run down to the garage and find the keys to the one of the cars on the board by the door. I push the button to unlock the car doors and slide in the red Aston Martin. I know he has a tracer on the car and he will be able to find me but that's alright as long as he doesn't come after me.

I start the car and it rumbles to life. Then I drive out and finally I feel like I can really breathe. And guess what I'm alone, no one is following me.

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