The Adler's

224 20 10

Song: Eyes on Fire-by Blue Foundation

Over the years we have cleaned scene from just about everywhere, offices, homes, bathrooms, parking lots, parking garages, hotels and even elevators. You name the place, we probably done it a time or two.

Tonight we are at someone's family restaurant after hours. We were called in to clean the place up; the guys were already getting rid of the bodies when we got there.

The owner talked with Zane, pouring him a drink while Atticus and I started cleaning with our special chemicals.

I'm wiping up the floor when someone comes over and stands behind me. I notice his black shoes and gradually look up at him.

The guy is freaking gorgeous. He is partially bald with baby blue eyes. He is wearing a suit but I bet underneath he is built, holding a six pack I'm sure or it. You can usually tell when a guy works out.

He squats down beside me pointing, "You missed a spot."

"I wasn't done cleaning, but thanks for noticing."

"Oh, let me introduce myself, I'm Mekhi Adler, this is my grandfathers restaurant." He reaches out for my hand.

"I'm sorry." I hold my gloved covered hands up and don't attempt to reach out to grab his hand. "Kinda working here." I turn back and continue to clean.

"I know; I didn't mean to bother you." He walks off and stands by the older man that I assume is the grandfather.

When we are done cleaning the two men shake Zane's hand.

"Thanks man, I know I can always count on you guys." Says the older man.

"No problem, anytime."

As we are walking out, Mekhi comes back over to me. Holding out his hand again for to grab it.

"Hi, again."

This time, I let him hold my hand. "Hi, I'm Scarlett."

Zane comes over and looks at us weirdly and Mekhi lets go of my hand. "Again thanks for helping us." He is smiling into my eyes.

"Scarlett let's go." Zane opens the door for me. I smile at Mekhi and get in the car.

He shuts the door and they have a few more words, then he opens the door and slides in next to me.

"Who was that?" I ask him.

"That is Mekhi Adler, he is an assassin. His father is Draven Adler, a very skilled sniper who is also an assassin. They don't mess around."

"And the grandfather?"

"He is just an owner of several restaurants. He was in the field years ago but retired and cooks with his wife now."


"Scar, you don't need to get mixed up with them."

"I wasn't planning to, I was just asking."

"Yeah ok if you say so."

The next day, I head off to work after my morning workout. It's already noon so I stop by the local café down from my place. I find a seat in the far corner away from everyone. I'm reading on my phone when someone sits across from me.

"Excuse me that seat is taken." I say without looking up, because I always come here alone and I always sit at this table alone.

"I know it's mine, thanks for saving it for me." I realize the voice from last night.

I look up and Mekhi is staring at me with those baby blue eyes.


"Hi." He smiles from ear to ear. "So Scarlett right?"

"Mekhi right." I smile.

He shakes his head and laughs. "Can I buy you lunch?"

I want to say no but then change my mind, something about him tells me that he will not take no for an answer.

"So you're a cleaner, or should I say you're the cleaner's daughter."

"Some call me that others call me Scarlett." I smile again. "So you're the assassins' son?"

"How do you know that?"

"Give me some credit; I'm not stupid you know."

He looks at me like he wants to say something but I talk first, "Your secret is safe with me. I mean hell you know what I do, so should I be worried?"

He reaches out to touch my hand that I have on the table. "No, I don't guess so."

"Good let's eat then." The waitress brings over our BLT's and fries.

We don't really say much while we are eating. I look at the time on my phone. "Sorry, I need to be getting into work."

"You're cleaning at this time of the day?"

"Sometimes, yes, but I have a job of my own."

"Why, you guys make a killing. I know how much my grandfather paid you guys last night. You shouldn't have to work anywhere else."

"It's hard to explain."

He looks at me in confusion.

"I own Delaney's Crematory down the street; I'm a certified Mortician."

"Of course you are."

"I'm serious, I'm Scarlett Delaney, it's my business."

"You don't have Zane's last name?"

"Long story, maybe another time." I stop the conversation there, because maybe I already said too much. I stand up and start to walk out. "Thank you for lunch."

"You're welcome, maybe another time we could do this again."

"Maybe." I smile and head off to work.

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