My house

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I don't know who's house this really is...but I think their house would be something like this.

Scarlett POV:

It's already going on noon when I get up and search for my clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting dresses, what does it look like?"


"Because I have work to do and I can't just hang out here all day. Besides I missed my morning workout with Marcus and I'm sure Zane is pissed about it."


"Oh my personal trainer; I work out every morning and I mean every morning. I didn't go home last night and its going on noon and I'm sure I will never hear the end of it."

"I thought you text him last night, besides babe he will be fine. Don't leave me."

"I will be back."

He gets out of bed and finds his pants. "That's what you said the last time."

"I know sorry that will not happen again. I need to go get a change of clothes anyway."

"I want to come with you."

"I don't know if that will be a good idea." I say as I walk downstairs to find my shoes.

He comes trailing behind me. "Why not? You don't think I can handle Zane and his dogs, please give me some credit here."

"It's not that."

"Oh so you are ashamed to be seen with me."

"No! Why do you want to go so bad?" I turn to face him.

He just looks at me as if I lost my mind.

"You're afraid he is going to hurt me again but more afraid that I'm really might not come back. You're scared you are going to lose me."

"Just let me come with you."

"Fine, whatever but promise you won't start shit I don't want the two of you arguing."

"Yes ma'am."

Mekhi POV:

Damn I want her to just stay here naked with me all day for that matter. When I seen her come out of the bathroom she starts putting on her clothes and I know she is leaving. Yes I'm pissed because I want me to come before anyone else and she is still under his control. I want her all to myself.

I promise not to start anything and I won't but if anything is said to her I will put a stop to it. I will kill anyone who disrespect or causes her any form of pain.

I let her drive her car to her house. I've never been inside the gates. She punches in a code and the gates open right up. As we drive through we make our way down a long drive and just over the small hill the house.. I mean a massive mansion comes into view. Damn.

She pulls into the garage and I am in awe of the amount of cars in here. I have never seen such a fine collection like this. I mean yeah I have a few and so does my dad but this is freaking crazy. I don't even notice when she gets out of the car until she ask me if I'm coming or not.

"Well come on." She laughs.

We enter the house and it's immaculate. I follow her through this maze of a place and we end up in the backyard more like a courtyard from a movie. I mean my dad's place is nice don't get me wrong but this is ridicules.

We walk over to Zane and he stands up to look at her and then at me.

"You missed your morning workout."

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