His Friend-

239 22 32

Scarlett POV:

My first night all alone, no babysitter it feels amazing. I pull up to the club and everyone is gawking at the car. I get out and hand the keys over to the valet boy.

"Make sure nothing happens to this baby, my dad will hunt you down and probably kill you and don't take off with it, believe me he knows where it is at all times."

"Yes ma'am." He takes the keys and gets in the car then drives it slowly to park it for me.

I go right in; I pass all the people standing in line. I know it's wrong to skip line but let's face the facts these people will be lucky if they actually even get in the door.

It feels so weird not having Atticus with me.

I go to the dance floor and dance. I love dancing. I'm in the middle of the second song when a guy about my height comes up to me.

"Hey can we talk?" He gestures to step off the dance floor.

This guy is complete opposite to the blondie that I just killed. Damn I never got his name. Anyway this guy has black short hair and brown eyes. He has a few tattoos down both sides of his arms.

"Why?"I answer him.

He gestures over to an empty table. So I follow him and we sit down. A waitress comes up and we order drinks. I watch to make sure he doesn't try to put anything in my drink.

"I need to ask you about my friend Matt."

"Who is Matt?"

"The guy you were dancing with. You guys went into the alley, but neither of you came back in and I haven't seen him since."

"Why would I know where he is?"

"You were the last one with him."


"So what happened?"

"Well not that's it's any of your business but we were kissing. He wanted more and I told him no. I knocked him out and left. I don't know where he is now."

"I don't get it his car is still here but it's like he vanished."

"I did knock him out, maybe he is in a hospital somewhere." I take another sip of my drink.

"No I called every fucking one in town and no one has seen him. I even called the police and still nothing."

"Sorry, I wish I could help you but really I don't know where he is."

"Damn he's not like this. I know something has happened to him. He wouldn't just leave me here and I know for sure he would never leave his car behind."

"I'm sorry about hearing about your friend."

"It's alright I just thought you might know something."

I get up to leave because I don't feel like dancing now all I can think about is his friends' eyes staring back into mine as I sliced him open.

I go out and ask the valet boy to get my car. He brings it around and I get in. I'm at the end of the street stopped at a red light when the passenger door opens and the guy from the club gets in.

"There is no way in hell that this is your car." He looks at me confused.

"Excuse me; get the hell out of my car."

"Look I think you know something, what really happened?"

"I told you, I knocked him out and if you don't get the fuck out of my car I'm going to knock you out." I raised my voice at him.

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