Visit from the monster

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Scarlett's POV:

It's been a little over a week and I still haven't talked to Mekhi. I've avoided all the messages. I just don't know what to say to him. I do like him don't get me wrong but how do I act on those feelings knowing that his dad is the one that killed my parents.

It's a Thursday and I'm at the Crematory working. I have all the doors locked, however I hear someone trying to get in the back door. I look at the camera to see who is out there and it's no other than Mr. Draven Adler. What the hell does he want? I watch him as he is trying to break into the back door and he happens to have a gun in his hand. I know this is not going to be good.

When he does finally manage to get in the door, I watch him make his way down the hallway searching in a few of the rooms to find me I assume. He knows that I am here because my car is parked out back. When he does enter the room that I am in, I knock him over the head from behind and he falls over on the floor.

I pull his body up into a chair and then secure him so when he does wake up he will not be able to escape from me. I take the gun and place it on the counter and wait for him to come to.

Finally he is waking up and he notices that he is strapped down. He is yanking really hard but not budging. "What the fuck?"

"That should be my question." I come over and stand in front of him. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I suggest you let me go."

"Not on your life." I smirk at him. "First you need to answer a few questions before I decide to kill you."

He doesn't say anything so I hit him right across the face and bust his lip, just a little blood comes to the skin.

"Why are you here?" I demand to know.

"You know too much and I should have never let you live."

"Oh so you came here like fifteen years later to finish the job, seriously kind of late for that don't you think?"

He doesn't say anything because he is still fighting with the stupid straps as if he has some kind of super powers and he is just going to escape.

"Well looks like you are in a bad situation because if you think that I'm cutting you loose you're pretty fucked up in the head."

"You will though."

"The hell I will." I go over to grab a scalpel then walk back over to him. "How about you just tell me who put the hit out to begin with?"

"I don't know. I get a call just like you do. I do my job and that's it. No exchanging names and you know that."

I hear the back door open and then shut back and I glare at Draven. "Who else is her with you?"

He stays silent and it pisses me off so I hit him again. "Ok so if I just happen to kill whoever walks in that door you will be alright with that?"

He just looks at me.

"Fine you asshole." I pick up his gun and when the door swings open I was just about to pull the trigger when Mekhi's eyes looks straight at mine.

"What is going on here?" He looks at me and then at his dad who is strapped down and of course bleeding from where I have already hit him twice.

"She is fucking crazy; undo me Mekhi."

He starts to walk over and I stop him as I point the gun at him. "Don't even think about it or I will shoot you."

"Scarlett you're not going to shoot me; why do you have my dad tied up?"

"He broke in here with this gun." I wave the gun in the air to show him. "He came here to finish me off."

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