Lost without her

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Mekhi POV:

It's been several days and I still haven't heard from her. The last thing I saw was her smile when the elevator doors shut. She promised she would come back but that was a lie.

I feel like I must have done something wrong. Did I push her to hard? Does she feel trapped? Damn she was a virgin; I shouldn't have gone so fast with her. I asked her to move in with me. Damn I should have never said anything it's just too soon.

On the first night she was gone, I could still smell her where she laid her head on my pillow but now that scent has faded and I miss it.

I've texted her a million times and nothing. I called just about the same amount and nothing. What the hell is going on?"

I'm driving now to her house. I pull up but they have a gate and from here you can't even see the house. I push the buzzer and some guy talks through the speaker.

"May I help you?"

"I'm here to see Scarlett."

"And who are you?"

"Mekhi Adler. I just need to make sure she is still alive. Is she ok; I'm worried about her?"

"Hold on a second."

The guy seems to be gone forever, so I guess he is either talking to her or to Zane. He finally comes over the speaker, "She's not taking visitors right now."

"Look I just need to see her; is she ok?"

"She will be. I'm sorry I'll tell her you stopped by." And that was that, what the hell.

I'm thinking she just doesn't want to see me anymore but she could at least message me or something. This is really pissing me off because when I want something I get it.

I have a freaking assignment to do out of town. I don't want to go but I really don't have a choice in the matter. I just hope she doesn't call when I'm gone because then I will drop everything to come back to her.

My flight lands in D.C. and I get a room at the hotel on the 12th floor that has a balcony. I work on sitting up my gun and scope and I can see the stage really good from this location.

All I know is some Senator is going to be giving a speech and my job is to take him out. I can care less about the guy and if he has a family or not. I usually don't kill someone out in the open like this but what can I say it's a job. So I set everything up and within the first ten minutes I shoot him straight in the chest and he goes down hard. People are screaming and running for their lives but I'm not here to kill anyone else, just the Senator.

I pack up my shit and leave taking the first flight back home. By the time the plane lands it's going on ten at night and that's when my phone buzzes.

Max: Wanted to let you know she is here.

Mekhi: She's at the CT, really...OMW.

I had planned on going home and taking a shower but my plans have changed so I make my way downtown to the club. I'm sure I ran a red light or two but I need to get there before she leaves.

Club Temptation is packed of people dancing and talking over the music. Max said that she was still here but I can't seem to find her in this crowd so I head upstairs so that I can look out at the dance floor.

I don't have to search long because she is there dancing off to the side. She looks up at the window but I know she can't see me.

She is so freaking beautiful, her hair is down in ringlets and she is wearing an emerald dress that comes above her knees. I watch her as she is looking around and I know she is trying to seek me out.

I make my way down to the dance floor and push my way through the crowd. I see her backside and I instantly go hard, how the hell does she do that to me and she doesn't even have to touch me.

I decide not to say anything, instead I go up to her and wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into me. I notice that she is a tad thinner than the last time. She leans her head against my chest and lets me slow dance with her. I don't know how she knows that it is me but she does.

I whisper in her ear, "I was worried about you."

I turn her around to face me so that I can look into those beautiful eyes of hers. "I missed you."

She smiles while rolling her eyes at me. "Awe how sweet, I missed you too."

"I thought I did something wrong, it's like you just left me with no explanation."

"I'm sorry."

I grab her hand and start pulling her outside. "Come with me."


"Just come." And she does. I open my car door and she gets in. We don't say anything as I fly full speed back to my place.

The moment the elevator door opens to my place my hands are all over her. I just can't stop. I need her and want all of her at this very second. I pick her up and press her up against the wall. Our lips are made for each other and as I force my tongue inside between her lips, god she taste so freaking good.

I carry her upstairs to the bedroom and don't even bother turning on the lights. I strip her dress off, then her bra and panties and where ever they land they land.

"Wait babe give me a second," I breathe out. I get up to grab a condom and to turn the lights on because I got to see her, I need to see that she is all mine.

But when I turn back around and get a full look at her, my body tenses up. She has several bruises on her, some are pretty good size. They have been there for a couple of days because they have faded and are turning a yellowish brown color. I look up at her eyes and then back down trying to find the words but if I say something it might all come out wrong.

She talks in a soft voice, "It's no big deal; I'm fine."

I walk over closer to the bed and I can't seem to stop staring at her body, what the fuck.

She grabs my hand and says again, "hey I'm alright."

"The hell you are. Did he do this to you? I will kill the bastard."

"Mekhi I asked for it, besides it's just a few bruises I have had way worse."

"I don't give a fuck what happened or who asked for what. I'm pissed because this here is mine and no one hurts what is mine."

"Zane and I had an argument believe me it wasn't the first and I'm sure it's not the last one. The other night when I left here, I got home late and he was pissed off because I have been doing that a lot lately and not following his orders. He wanted to punish me but I told him if he was going to do anything he was going to have to actually fight against me on the mat. I got several good hits you know but as you can see he did too."

"Still doesn't give him the right to beat the shit out of you."

"Mekhi it's our way it's too complicated to explain it. Anyway afterwards he told me the truth the whole truth about my family."

I sit down beside her and let her finish telling me what happened.

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