The Real Reason

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Scarlett POV:

I go downstairs to find Zane is his office. The door is not shut all the way and I over hear the conversation that he has over the phone. He doesn't notice me and keeps on talking.

"He is here. I think he wants her to move in with him. I don't know. He did mention moving in here too, I told them to think about it and get back with me. Well yes either way it's all going according to plan. They were meant for each other. Well yes it's like we planned it years ago and it's finally coming together. Draven either way is fine. I'll let you know what they decide." He finally looks up and sees me. "Hey I got to go I'll get back with you." He is walking over towards me.

I go to turn to walk away. What the hell was that about; was this all just a set up. Seriously my whole life has been a lie and now my relationship with Mekhi, seriously. Does he know; is he in on this as well. That's why they get along so well hell not many people like Zane. I was fully turned around and walking away when Zane's hand grabs my arm.

"Scarlett stop."

I turn and glare at him. "Are you fucking kidding me? You and Draven, best friends right...this was all fixed, a set up wasn't it?"

"Scarlett it's not like that..Well it is but it was your mom. She wanted this. Bethany and she were close friends before she found out what I did. They had talked about having kids one day and them getting together and our families would be tied as one. Yes it was kind of planned before you were born. But things changed and we thought this would never happen but it is happening...Scar you were meant to be with Mekhi."

"Really how did you do it?"

"That night I told you to stay away from him. I warned you to stay away but I knew you would go against me and go to him. I knew you find a way to be with him because it's in your blood."

"What if it's just a thing; what if he is not the one for me?"

"You know he is."

"Is he in on this too? Are you all in on this? This is my life. Why do you keep ruling it?"

"He doesn't know about any of this; you can ask him if you want. No one else will ever get you. No one will ever understand you for what you do and who you are but he will. Don't mess this up Scar, not because of this...Mekhi he really cares for you and no one told him to but himself."

I just can't get over the fact that people keep telling me how to live my life. I don't say anything back to Zane.

"So you came to ask me something; well are you planning on leaving me?"

I want to say yes, matter of fact I want to just leave period, maybe be on my own for a while but I don't say that.

"Well, looks like Mekhi will move in here. However, you have to give us space, privacy understand. If you can't do that then I will move out. So if you really want me to stay and I know you do you will not give orders not unless it pertains to work. I do my own thing."

"I can do that."

"Yea right...guess we will wait and see how it goes." I start to walk off and he stops me again.

"Thanks for staying; I don't think that I could ever live without you."


As I turn to leave he is back on the phone. I don't bother staying to listen because I know who he is talking to.

I get back to my room and smirk, "Well guess you're moving in after all."

He has the biggest smile on his face. "He didn't argue at all?"

"No not at a matter of fact he knew you would, actually your parents and mine planned it before we were even born."

"What are you talking about?"

"Us...our mom's wanted our family to be connected as one. They were friends however my mom didn't know what my dad did at the time and when she found out she left. Which means she also left being your mom's friend I assume anyway? So look at us doing what they always wanted."

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