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Sasuke groaned as he threw the letter on the ground. He should have known better than to let her go out in the woods alone.

Naruto saw Sasuke "Sasuke what's wrong" "Sakura's been kidnapped by that bitch Karin" "Hinata too" they went to look for the others.

"Sasuke have Sakura also disappeared" "yeah and we all know who took then" he said and they all sighed in frustration and desperation to gave their mates back with them.

Neji sighed "this all my fault I should've not left her alone." He said as a tear fell. "No Neji we will find them" "how they are witches and they could cover their scent and that way we won't be able to smell them."

He said as he was losing hope already all he wanted was for that minutes to have Tenten in his arms.

Sai was in deep thought about where his wife could be as everyone was trying figure out where they could have been.

"If I get to Ashley I'm going to rip her neck out she us so fucking gonna get it of a single hair of Hinata has been touched."

"That butch Karin what makes her think that I would want to have a fucking child with her she needs to look at herself in the mirror and see what kind if a bitch she is. To think that I would even look at her"he said with so much venom on his tongue.

Shikamaru sat silently thinking of a plan that could help them find their wives. "Shikamaru what are you thinking" "of a wat we can get them back."

He began to think if strategy "maybe if we trick them into saying that we don't love our wives they would be able to set them free."  "Naruto you are dumber than I thought who would believe that when it's written all over our faces."

Said Neji and Naruto kept quiet for the first time in his life.

Sai got up and started walking in the woods, they didn't ask him questions as they too got up and joined him.

They walked through the quiet woods hoping to find even a single clue but they found non. Neji as getting frustrated by every second.

Few hours ago they were all were all enjoying their times with their wives and now this. To think that Summer and her friends would go all this way to have them showed them how desperate they were.

Where are they. The only question in their head as they searched every time. They gage up and went to their rooms to get some rest buy non of then would sleep without their mates.

They tossed and turned in their beds trying to find sleep but when they did not they decided to meet in the lounge and with together to find them.


I know that this chapter was boring but I hope you can bare if with me.

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