Chapter 2

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I drifted in and out of consciousness for a few seconds before I widened my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Looking around I notice my arms are bound to a chair. My legs too. A strange pentagram-like formation is painted on the floor beneath me and I close my eyes, concentrated on teleporting back outside. I can't.
"fuck" I mumble and shift my forearm. The knife is gone, and noticing the weight gone  I know my gun has also been taken. A deep gravelly voice sounds behind me and I blink, noticing a man in a Trenchcoat.
"Dean. It's a demon. They were trying to get to you two, you're lucky I caught it"
I roll my eyes and take note of my surroundings. Besides the Trenchcoat dude, a guy in a flannel stretches his long legs over a motel bed. I'm in the motel room. A bow-legged man comes around from behind me, his large hands wrapped around my weapons. "nice gun." he says and give him an angry once over. he looks taken aback by my glare. The guy on the bed stands up and stretches his arms.
He's really fuckin tall.
But then it clicks. Tall man named Sam, shorter older brother named Dean, trenchcoat and blue tie adorned Castiel. They could be exactly who I need.
"Are you the Winchesters?"
The men face each other.
"Who's Asking?" bow-legs grunts.
For such a legend hes quite the neanderthal.
"My names Viv." The freakishly tall man looks at Trenchcoat-and-tie and shrugs
"Sorry Who?" he asks again.
"My name is Vivienne MacLeod. My mother died about three years ago and I've been searching for the Winchesters. I need their help."
The men are all making shifted looks at each other while I speak.
"People have been after me, trying to kill me. Because of my stupid fucking dad." I spit out the last sentence and avoid eye contact.
"Who is your father?"
Asks the Trenchcoat man,
"His name is Crowley?"
The air in the room goes stale and Tall man sits limply on the bed. "No way." bow legs shakes his head and puts down my weapons.
"No way did Crowley have a kid.".
"Look I'm down with denial but I'm gonna need some help so are you in or not?" I'm beyond terrified, but I'm praying that fake courage could maybe get me somewhere. Trenchcoat speaks up suddenly,
"It would explain why she's a demon." Bow-legs shoots him a disapproving look, seeming to say, you should know better.
"How old are you?" He grabs a beer off the creaky motel table.
"I just turned 19."
The men all look toward one another again and I'm sick of the silent communication.
"are you the Winchesters or not?"
Bow legs seems entertained by my anger, and it just pisses me off more.
"Yeah, I'm Dean, the tall guy is my brother Sam and That's Cas."
He points toward Trenchcoat.
"He's an Angel."
I nod, had a couple of them on my trail on my way here.
"Yeah, one of them killed my mom. She said same woulda happened to me if I didn't get the hell out of there and go find the Winchesters."
Sam sits up straighter, intrigued.
"How'd she know about us?"
"She told me my dad came to her in a dream. He said I was in danger and that we needed to find you"
Sam nods and Dean avoids eye contact.
"So where is he?"
As soon as I ask all the men stiffen. I guess they're waiting for someone to speak up so silence fills the room momentarily. Finally, Castiel speaks up.
"He's dead."
"Well, no point in grieving a stranger." I gulp and shrug, it's the truth.
"look. We can help you, but you've gotta tell us something first." Sam stands.
"What more can I tell you?"
I try to lift my hands but am quickly reminded I'm tied up when ropes dig into my skin.
"got any demon powers?"
I roll my eyes, how fucking typical.
"Yeah. I can teleport, among other things."
I drop my voice to a whisper. As I await a response,
Cas walks over to the other side of the room and him and Dean whisper something to one another before Dean grabs my knife. Stepping onto the pentagram star-thing surrounding me, he slices the ropes off my arms and legs, freeing me. Stretching my limbs, I attempt to walk over to the crusty motel couch to sit, but I can't move.
"Its a devils Trap so you don't disappear on us. Or you know, stab us."
Sam explains and takes my knife from Dean, wedging it into the floor to break the circle. I cautiously step out as Sam yanks it back out and hands my the knife.
"my gun."
I put out an open palm but Dean shakes his head.
"do you even know how to shoot?"
I bow my head, ashamed.
" guess we'll have to teach you"

That night, I sleep on the couch. Dean offers a bed, but I refuse, they're the ones protecting me anyway. Cas just sits by the motel table and reads a magazine that looks like "Entertainment Weekly" for what seems like hours. At some point I realize hes just staring at the pages blankly, probably contemplating something or doing whatever it is Angel's do. Somehow to the rattle of the sketchy radiator and Dean's light snoring from the left bed, I drift off, my first peaceful sleep in what feels like years.

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