Chapter 45🎄

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Christmas Morning rolls around and i don't bother getting dressed before speeding to carry the gifts bit by bit to put under the tree. Theres a couple small gifts already there and in my sweats and Oscar the grouch T-shirt, I awkwardly sit, half asleep in a desk chair. Suddenly the smell of coffee heightens my sense of smell for a second and Jack strides in, carrying two cups. He gently places one in front of me and laughs as my eyes widen.
"mocha with a hint of milk. The usual." he shrugs as I blush in awe.
"cant believe you remembered." i mutter as we begin to sip coffee while sitting in silence. Jacks navy pajamas with a red piping are super cute and i wish i had nicer pajamas. Just then, holding hands Dean and Cas enter. Cas clutching a blanket and Dean a cup of black coffee. Dean's plaid pants match those of Sam who enters , wide-eyed and awake about seven minutes later. Cas's ensemble catches my eye but I don't bother asking if he's indeed wearing Dean's Boston T-Shirt. Its about 9:15 when Maeve casually slumps in, fully dressed in jeans and a cropped t-shirt.
"Why so blue?" Jack asks and Mae sighs quietly,
"I don't have gifts for anyone."
A moment of silence ensues before everyone bursts out laughing.
"That's fine, we weren't expecting you to." Cas points out and Mae happily plops down onto the ground. We all surround the tree, Cas and Dean Tangled up on a couch, Sam in a huge leather arm chair and Jack and each in individual desk rolly-chairs. Sam initiates gift opening by handing Jack a wrapped book.
"its an original copy of the works of Edgar Allen Poe." he casually states and Jack beams.
"Seriously?! Thats great. Thank you!" Jack clutches the book to his chest and Dean and I make eye contact in confusion as he coughs out something sounding suspiciously like, "nerds".
Next, we are about to officially kick off gift opening as Sam leaves to let Charlie and Rowena in. Charlie has swung a bag of presents over her shoulder and cheerily shouts,
"Ho Ho Ho!" as she spreads the contents out under the tree. We continue and I'm delighted to see the grins from everyone as they open the gifts I got them. As we slowly come to an end of opening, I see Dean sneak out a little box to reveal an intricate ornament of an angel. Cas's face turns bright red as he reveals a hand-knit slightly messy scarf in red. Dean kisses him and immediately puts it on while Cas examines his ornament with bright eyes. Mae opens up the guitar and squeals, her face lighting up and staying so for the rest of the afternoon. Jack pulls out the boots and curiously peeks inside to find the leather bracelet with the words, "carry on" carved into it. He kisses me on the cheek when nobody is looking and i mentally high-five myself. Rowena gives me a golden locket that used to be hers and Cas, Dean and Sam pitch in to get me a polaroid Camera. After a simple chicken pot pie dinner, everyone is settling around the hall as Jack slips something into my hand. I look down into my palms and examine the dainty charm bracelet adorned with a lock and small heeled shoe.
"its so cute." i whisper and Jack puts it around my wrist while whispering,
"just like you." he then feather kisses my hand and strides away in confidence. Later, around midnight i finally collapse into my own bed. Today was the best Christmas I've ever had, I'd like to call the people (and angel) here my new family. Hope they don't mind.

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