eleven ; the hole

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"not to say that i'm scared, but i'm fucking scared." i finally say to luke who had been dragging me along a dirt road- on foot may i add- because his car didn't fit the trail.

"stop being a worry wart and walk faster, we don't have forever you know. and to be completely honest, i would like to swim."

swim? as if this day couldn't get any worse. 

when we finally get to a clearing, i gasp at my surroundings. all around us were normal trees surrounding a gigantic crater in the middle, where i assumed the water was.

"oh my god, it's beautiful." i breathe out. beautiful didn't even come close to how gorgeous the sighting was. when i had walked a few more steps towards the crater, i could see blue water flowing from side to side. when luke doesn't say anything for a while, i look over and notice that he had already taken off his shirt and jeans and was currently standing in his black boxers.

"well, are you gonna undress or should i do it for you?" he asks, a smirk clear on his face. what luke hemmings did not know was that i was utterly terrified of open water. i was only 5 foot one and the water usually did not abide to my height restrictions.

"would you hate me if i watched?" i ask luke.

"what happened to live your life princess?" he asks, clearly not as concerned about the open water as i was.

"i can't live my life if i die from drowning luke. not to mention, it's freezing." he notices the apparent frown on my face and quickly thinks of a solution.

"how about this- the water on that side of the hole has rocks lined up against it, why don't you just sit there?"

i nod my head and follow luke. thankfully, there was a way to get down that didn't include jumping into the crater.

"watch your step, we wouldn't want to bring you back to tyler all broken and bruised." i follow luke to the rocks and frown at my current attire.

i begin to unzip my black jeans when luke stops me.

"what are you doing?" he asks, a bit too quick if you asked me.

"i'm not getting my jeans wet," i reply, rolling my eyes. teenage boys and their hormones, i swear. i had discarded my heels before we had started our trek to the bottom of what luke called "the hole," so taking off my jeans was no problem.

"black lace princess? all for me?" luke's body was fully submerged under water and i was resting on the rocks by him.

"don't flatter yourself hemmings."

"do you know what black panties mean?" i frown at his question and shake my head no, obviously oblivious to where he was heading.

"it means that you plan to have- or have already sex." luke says with a grin on his face.

"did you just quote ten things i hate about you?" i ask, dumbfounded in luke's interest in romantic comedies.

"i like that movie for your information." luke replies before ducking his head underneath the water.

when luke emerges, he had a new glint in his eyes.

"you sure you don't want to join me? the water feels amazing."

"i can't swim," i mumble, honestly not knowing why i had shared that information with him.

"you can't swim?" he asks.

"is that not what i just fucking said." i retort, laying my back against the nearest rock i could find. right now did not seem like a fun time to talk to luke about my life.

"why not?"

"i think it's unfair that you get to ask all these questions yet i still know nothing about you." i try to deflect his question with my own statement and it seems to work- for the time being.

"okay then princess, for every question i ask, you get to ask me one."

the boxer // lrh auWhere stories live. Discover now