~Surrounded By The Sun~

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April 20th

Cope's P.O.V

Vic's just got home and I need to ask him. This better go well. Here it goes. I walked up to him, handing him a cup of coffee. His favourite.

Vic- good afternoon sweetie, what do you want?
Cope- dad! I'm just being nice!
Vic- I know you want something, usually I have to nag you to make me coffee!
Cope- okay okay there is something...
Vic- I knew it, spill it coco beans
Cope- stop calling me that...but anyway, you know it's warped tour soon?
Vic- no
Cope- but daddy! I'll be 18!
Vic- I know but it's still too dangerous!
Cope- but you used to perform there!
Vic- I had bodyguards!!
Cope- argh!!

I stormed out of the house walking towards Avril's house.

Vic's P.O.V

I sighed hard. For gods sake. I'd love for her to go. But I've experienced it before, it's not a safe environment. I'll talk to kellin about it. He's out recording a new album right now. I better text her to make sure she's safe. If anything happened to her I'd be heartbroken.

To- copey<3
From- Vic

Hey Cope, I'm sorry, I'll talk to daddy about it okay? Where are you? Be safe, i love you x

To- dad<3
From- Cope

It's okay, I understand. I'm sorry for over reacting. I'm at Avril's house I'll be home tomorrow okay? I love you too

Vic's P.O.V

At least she's okay, I trust Avril. I'll just wait for kellin. I'll make food, that's what I'll do. It's crazy thinking I've been married to him for 18 years. That's crazy. I love him more and more every day.

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