~It Gets You Down, We've All Been There Sometimes~

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Cope's P.O.V

Tomorrow is the day we leave for warped tour, it's been 3 weeks since Oli has contacted me, no way am I speaking to him first, he can talk to me. Anyway, Avril has just arrived and were going to go through our suitcases and see if we want to swap any clothes etc, were girls that's what we do.

I haven't told anyone about sex with Oli but I feel that Avril should know. We were looking through things when she noticed I'd packed my bring me the horizon top, I smiled and decided now was the best time.

Cope- Yah about Oli...

Avril- oh my god, you're totally dating!

Cope- no no no quite the opposite if I'm being honest

Avril- what do you mean?

Cope- well we went on a date around 3 weeks ago and then one night Vic took kellin out so it was just me for a couple of hours and I invited him over..

Avril- and?...

Cope- before he came I had a bit too much to drink and can't exactly remember all the details but I know that I had sex with him.


Cope- Urgh don't use my full name and shutup they don't know!

Avril- who?


Avril- well they're gonna find out! Did you use protection?

Cope- I can't remember!

Avril- oooh girl, that's bad

Cope- just shutup okay

We dropped it and carried on like the normal bestfriends we were, except we were way too excited about warped tour in the morning! We got to go on your with all the bands and I couldn't wait to spend more time with Jack! He's like my uncle, well that's what I call him, uncle Jack.

We had food as a family, altogether there was, kellin, vic, Avril, Jesse, Gabe, jack, Justin and me, one big happy family. For dinner we had pizza, typical us lot. Then we sat around and watched a movie, it was the movie Vic had made with his band when they were together 'this is a wasteland' it was great and I'm pretty sure vic was tearing up.

After that I decided to put on a movie, it's one I hadn't seen in awhile and it used to be my favourite. This one was labelled "Kellic wedding vid' as soon as it started kellin blushed. It was adorable. Then I saw myself, I looked great hah, and Hayley, hmm I hadn't seen her in awhile, I wonder how she was, and the boys looked brilliant!

After the wedding video we all went to bed, vic and kellin in one room, me and Avril in my room, Jesse and Gabe in the spare room and jack and Justin on the sofas downstairs, the 'sleeping with sirens' tour bus was picking us up from here in the morning.

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