~But Tonight I'll Make You Feel Beautiful Once Again~

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Kellin's P.O.V

The SWS bus will be here in about half an hour, last night I heared a lot of shouting coming from Copeland's room, I hope the girls didn't get in to an argument already, they're good girls, they'll figure it out.

It's hard to believe that after 6 years I'm going back to 'warped tour' this time will be slightly different, first off, my daughter is 18 and will be going off with her friend, and also Vic's band won't be playing. I'm glad they're all coming along though.

I'm currently sitting down on the couch with Vic and the boys waiting for the two girls to hurry up, can't blame them, they're girls.

Finally 20 minutes later the girls came skipping down the stairs, trying to carry their suitcases, I'm just so glad that they're happy. A couple of minutes later the bus arrived. We got going straight away. (A/N I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT STATES THEY GO TO OR HOW MANY SO IM MAKING IT UP OKAY?)

First place we were headed was Colorado, it's around a 10 hour drive, argh. The girls are in the cinema room except they're not watching a movie, they have music on full blast, our music actually 'if you can't hang' is currently playing I think.

The rest of the journey there I'm pretty sure I slept, but the others were wide awake, from playing on the Xbox to listening to music, singing, board games, you name it they did it. Except sex, I don't think that happened.

When we got there we parked up, ended up in the middle of bring me the horizon and tonight alive. Everything seemed on track, it was the evening by the time we'd got there so we got ourselves some rest. Tomorrow there were no shows, it was a day to get settled in.

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