~I Heard The Train Shake The Window, You screamed Over The Sound~

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II promised Id do 2000 words so here you go, this chapter is exactly 2000 words, it was my birthday yesterday too;) yeah you better be singing happy birthday right now. Im finally 15 whoop, take that bitches, anyway enjoy!


Kellin's P.O.V

I woke up at around 7am I went to sleep quite early so I'm hardly even tired, it could also be the fact I'm excited about performing today. We have to be down at the stage for 9am anyway so really I'm awake just in time.

I decided to go for a shower, don't want to stink out all the fans now do I. I took only around 10 minutes in the shower before coming out and choosing some clothes. I decided on my black skinny jeans, my white anthem made tank top and my black TOMS. It was now around 7:45 so I decided to go and start on breakfast for everyone, something like bacon, eggs and sausages.

While everything was cooking I went to wake up vic, I called his name a few times but he didn't wake up so I climbed in to bed next to him, luckily he was facing the wall, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck gently and lightly, causing him to moan slightly but he still didn't wake, I decided to trail my hand down the front of his body and I stopped by his crotch area, he was only wearing boxers so I slid my hand in and started stroking his soft dick. He woke up straight away "fuck, Kell, what are you doing to me?" I chuckled "it's time to get up baby, breakfast is cooking" he moaned again but soon enough got up.

He got up and jumped in the shower, taking clothes with him to change in to. He came back in wearing denim shorts that came to just above his knees and a Hawaiian shirt, he looked so summery. He'd left his hair curly aswell. He honestly looked so gorgeous, he always did.

It was now 8am and we needed to wake everyone else up, breakfast was ready so I went and woke up my my crew while Vic served up, first was Gabe, I pulled his arms off the bed and pulled him straight down to the floor, luckily Gabe was easy to wake up and once his eyes were open he was wide awake, and trust me he ran to the table as quickly as he could. Justin was slightly harder to wake up, I had to throw water at him and scream at him for him to wake up, he slowly got out of the bunk and made his way to the breakfast table, jack had woken up by all my screaming. All the boys were up and having breakfast, just before I tucked into mine I wanted to look to see if Cope and Avril were awake. When I opened the curtain to each of their bunks they're not there. I started to panic now. I pulled out my phone and text Cope.

To- Cope<3

From- Kellin

Where are you?x

I got a reply within five minutes.

To- Kellin<3

From- Cope

Me and Avril are at main stage getting everything ready, been here since 6:30am, didn't want to wake you all, see you later x

Oh so my daughter is setting up the stage that I'm supposed to be playing at, okay then? I went back in to the kitchen to see all the boys ready to go. We locked the door to the bus and made our way to the stage.

When we got there the girls had gone already, it was only 9am, we were playing at 1pm anyway, people would be arriving at 10, I have no idea where the girls are, I'll just leave them to it. Me and the boys got to setting everything up, Vic told me he was going to walk around but he'd be back at around 12 to support the band.

Cope's P.O.V

 Me and Avril had gotten up at around 6:30am just so that we could make sure we were awake and ready for when everyone arrives. We got to the main stage for 7am and noticed that there were a few crew members setting things up, we decided to go and help them out. We started off by connecting the microphones and speakers etc. It was quite a tough job, Kellin had text me asking me where we were I explained everything and we quickly made our way away from there before we could be seen with them.

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