~Im Not Alright And I Would Rather...~

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Kellin's P.O.V

I woke up at around 9am, everyone knows how much of a child I am at Christmas, I put on my DropDead joggers and a tank top and leant over and kissed Vic, he woke up and then realised what day it was and he jumped to his feet putting on shorts and a tank top, and we both ran in to Cope and Oli's room. We barged through the doors and screamed "Merry Christmas faggots!!!" I saw movement in the bed and they soon woke up, and I'm surprised how excited Oli actually was.

Cope's P.O.V

We all ran downstairs excitedly, vic started on breakfast while we started sorting out all the presents. Me and Oli had our presents off each other and so did vic and Kellin. But we still had some to give. Breakfast was pancakes with maple syrup, Apple and cinnamon, it was amazing. After breakfast we decided that we should get dressed. I wore a maternity dress that was all black with a white collar, vic, Kellin and Oli all wore skinny jeans and a Christmas jumper.

We all put on the music channel which was playing Christmas music and we all sat down, I sat on the floor and the others on the couches. First off I gave Kellin and Vic their presents off me and Oli. There were 3 things, one was a "how to be the best grandparents in the world" book, a watch each and then finally a set of car keys to a Range Rover for them to share. Let me tell you this, they absolutely loved them.

Kellin and Vic handed us out presents, Oli and I recieved the keys to our new house, an IPhone 6 each, already set up and ready to use, mine in gold and his in silver and loads of clothes for the babies. We were all over the moon with our gifts.

We decided we would go out for a walk to the park, my phone was on charge upstairs so I went to go get it, when I got to the top of the stairs I instantly felt dizzy and slightly sick, I called down the stairs that I needed a lie down and that they could go on their own if they wanted. Vic said he'd stay with me and Kellin and Vic went for a walk. Vic came upstairs and sat with me. We both layed on the bed and put on some music and just had a nice chat, all of a sudden I felt a gush of water, I'm pretty sure my waters broke. I looked at Vic, he'd noticed. He screamed "BABY TIMEEEE".

I called Oli and Kellin while Vic called Erin to come over as soon as possible. Luckily she only loves a couple of minutes away, two nurses were also on their way. Kellin and Oli arrived a couple of minutes later and made sure the water birth was all ready for us, I made my way downstairs with Vic and by the time we'd got down the water birth was all ready, I stripped naked. They'd all seen it before, I climbed in to the water birth tub and just as I was relaxing a bit, Erin and two nurses who I later learnt were called Mali and Nassuha, they all came over me, checking my blood pressure and making sure everything was ready and all okay. I kind of felt bad for dragging them away from their homes at Christmas.

Kellin was tweeting away and Vic had text his brother. In a couple of hours Justin, Gabe, Jack, Tony, Mike, Jaime, Tay, Jenna, Hayley and Avril would be here. I was now excited as I could be.

Now things were starting to really hurt. I was now nearly crying, Oli stripped down in to his boxers and got in to the pool with me, he placed me in front of him and let me rest my head on his shoulder, he kissed my forehead and tried his best to calm me down.

All of a sudden, Nassuha and Mali were holding a leg each and Erin was telling me to push. I was terrified and the adrenaline feeling was taking the pain away, soon I was going to meet my babies, I couldn't wait. I must have been pushing for around 5 minutes when Vic was screaming "OH MY GOD ITS A HEAD" and a couple of seconds after that I saw my baby, Nassuha rushed off and made sure everything was okay while I carried on pushing until the other one was out. Mali cleaned it up and then after I was sorted out and I was all finished I got out of the water birth tub and put a towel around me and then sat on the couch and they brought my babies over.

Nassuha came first "the first was a boy, 5lbs 12oz" I smiled and held my little boy, then passed him over to Oli while Mali brought my little girl to me "the second was the girl, 5lbs 6oz" I smiled and held her in my arms, kissing her all over. Vic came over and took a photo.

Soon enough everyone had turned up and it was time to announce the names. They were all sitting everywhere some holding one of them and others with the other. I said "excuse me everybody, we've decided on some names, the little girl is going to be named after my mum Mary and Oli's mum Carol, her middle name because of our lovely midwife and family, so her name is Carrie Erin Sykes. The little boy is going to be named After his dad's Band and my father's because of what they've done for us, his name is Horizon Kellic Sykes. I like to think of them as very unique, Thankyou to everyone who has come with gifts or just to support us, i love you all"

We spend the rest of the night cuddling our new members of the family, we moved in to our new home that night and I cannot describe how happy I am. My life isn't the way it was supposed to be, I was supposed to have a mother in my life like most teenage daughters but Instead I had two fathers, but look what all that's brought me. Thankyou.



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