~This Love Was Out Of Control, 3 2 1 Where Did It Go?~

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Cope's P.O.V

We got to the main stage just in time, Oli must have been backstage getting ready or something. I made my way with Avril through the crowds towards the front, all the security guards know us anyway, they saw us and guided us to the front row.

We stayed there for around 5 minutes before I saw Justin run on stage and sit by the drums, they were starting. Not long after that, Gabe appeared with Jack not long behind, then finally Kellin. Everyone cheered once everyone was on stage.

They started off with 'Who Are You Now' and 'Roger Rabbit' then a couple more but finishing off with 'King For A Day' bringing Vic on stage which got everyone excited!

They both looked at the crowd but always looked back at me, it was now 3:55 and Oli was coming on at 4, I grabbed Avril's hand and we ran backstage to congratulate my parents, they told us they were going to quickly freshen up but they'd be back in like 20 minutes to carry on watching Oli and his band.

I waved them goodbye and we went looking for the boys. Avril winked at me and walked towards Lee, I left her be, I looked everywhere for Oli but I couldn't find him, until I felt two arms around my waist, I smiled and turned around, I was greeted by a kiss, it was Oli. I smiled "get on stage tiger" I whispered. He shook his head saying no. "This time, I'm bringing you" he said. I was in shock "what now?" He chuckled, no, come on at the end of 'Go To Hell For Heaven's Sake' I smiled "okay" I gave him one last kiss before watching them run on to stage.

They started off with 'It Never Ends' then 'Sleepwalking' then 'Go To Hell For Heaven's Sake' at the end of the song I made my way to the side of the stage. Oli looked at me and told me to come to him, I hugged him and stood next to him, his arm around my waist. I looked in to the audience and saw Kellin And Vic. They looked confused, Oli held my hand and looked at me in the eyes "Everyone this is Copeland Quinn, daughter of two of the most talented people in the world, Vic and Kellin. Recently me and Copeland have become very close and I made her my girlfriend, but something happened, Copeland got pregnant, but we're all here for her, especially me, I'm the father so I need to act like one, Thankyou to Kellin and Vic for bringing such an amazing woman in to our lives, i love you Copeland" I blushed a bright red, I looked in to the audience, Vic was crying. "I love you too" everyone cheered, he got down on his knees and kissed my stomach. I ran off stage and hugged Avril, we both laughed and I even cried a little.

We waited around while they carried on playing, Vuc and Kellin had joined us backstage, both of them hugging me and kissing me. Oli and his band were soon offstage. Oli came straight up to me, attacking me softly with a kiss. I kissed back but not for long as everyone else was around. Tonight there was a party, even though I'm pregnant I can still go, I won't drink alcohol or anything. It was now 6pm, so I told Oli I'd see him there, the party was in the 'You Me At Six' bus. I heard Josh throws amazing parties.

The party started at 8, me and Avril went back to our bus for around 6:30 to start getting ready. Kellin and Vic wern't coming tonight. When we got back, I quickly went in the shower, as soon as I came out Avril went in. We then both dried our hair, it was now 7, just enough time to get dressed and do our hair and makeup.

I put on a pair of white skinny jeans and an off the shoulder black belly top, luckily I don't have a bump yet. I wore black wedges and I straightened my long blonde hair, I kept my makeup to the bare minimum.

Avril on the other hand wore black skinny jeans with a skeleton pattern along the front and back, a white long sleeved belly top and white wedged heels. She curled her long blonde hair, she still had a blue and pink strip in her hair from when I dyed it a couple of weeks back, she also kept makeup to a bare minimum.

It was now 7:45 so we decided to make our way to the van, I hope tonight goes brilliant.








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