~Don't Be Crazy, Yes Now Of Course You Can Stay Here~

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Vic's P.O.V

I was on my way home from the store and I'm going to admit I was slightly tired but it wasn't that bad, i must have been 10 minutes away from the house when I looked to my left, all clear. To my right, all clear. So I pulled out and as I did that a car came speeding in to the drivers side, knocking me out.

Kellin's P.O.V

I've been in the waiting room for an hour now, Copeland is on the way, mike is also on the way, I've realised I spend most of my time here in this hospital, it's times like this where I miss my mum, life would be so different if she was here, I don't think I'd be living in the house I am now, I'd probably be in a flat somewhere, still married to vic but I wouldn't be a father, which upsets me because Copeland is he second best thing thats happened to me, vic being the first.

A few moments later mike came bolting through the waiting room doors. "Where is he? How is he? What happened? Is he okay? He's alive right? Oh my god

He's not? What's going on? Am I an only child now?"

Kellin- mike mike mike!! Calm down! I'm waiting to hear any news, but I'm sure he's just fine!

Mike- thank god for that! I've been worried!

Kellin- yeah! I could tell!

Mike took a seat next to me, we both told each other stories about vic. I told Mike about that time when Copeland was 7 and Vic took her to the park just down the road, and Copeland didn't want to go in the swing so Vic had to demonstrate what the swing was like so he got in to one of those baby swings with the space for your legs to go in and Copeland laughed and started walking over to the slide, Vic tried to get out to go with her but he realised he was stuck in the swing so he had to call 911 to get them to help him out, the whole time cope just watched and laughed.

By the time I'd finished my story cope barged through the doors and came and sat right on my lap, it's little things like this that make me the happiest.

Cope- is dad okay?

Mike- he should be copey

Cope- oh hello uncle mikey!

She moved and sat on his lap instead.

Mike- you're getting too big for this, 18 now cmon!

Cope- shutup, I can do what I want Thankyou very much

Mike- someone's aggressive!

Around an hour later a nurse walked in, this time it was a different nurse, her name tag said 'Louisa' I smiled at her but said "doesn't Erin work on this ward?" She replied "yes she usually does but she's on maternity leave, she's due in a few months, little girl called Anna I think" I smiled at the thought of Erin becoming a mother, she was a great girl, I'll buy her a card and give her some of Cope's old clothes, not too much though, still hoping that cope will become a mother one day.

Louisa told us that vic would be just fine and he'll be released tomorrow, and that we were all allowed to go see him now, I made my way to room 100 and walked in, there he was, my gorgeous boy. I kissed him and sat down next to him, along with Cope and Mike, and we talked for hours about pointless crap, it was great.

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