~Im Going Crazy~

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May 3rd

Kellin's P.O.V

Vic had been lying on top of me for around 10 minutes and I finally felt myself becoming calmer. As soon as I was perfectly calm I burst in to tears, that's when vic sat up and pulled me in to his arms. I nuzzled my head under his neck and wrapped my arms around his shoulder, his grip still firmly around my back. We stayed like this for a few minutes, in complete silence except for the odd times when vic would stroke my hair and tell me it was all okay. I actually believed him every single time he's told me that.

Vic asked me what was wrong at least 5 times but I couldn't bring myself to speak at the moment. Instead I pointed over at the table which had the letter on it. He walked over slowly and picked it up starting to read it. I just sat there in silence while he did. After he'd read it I could see him walking over to our coal fire, ripping it up and putting it in the fire. It's little things like this that make me admire my vic so much more. He walked back over to him, kissing both my cheeks and then sitting back down.

Vic's P.O.V

He pointed at a letter on the table, I made my way over and read it. It was from his 'father'. That's not a word that can be used to describe Jeuse. Let's say it was from his 'sperm doner'. After reading the disgusting letter I made my way over to the fire, ripping it up and throwing it in there. Burning every last piece. I then walked back over to kellin, kissing both of his cheeks and sitting back down. I looked at him and said "Kellz, you're so much better than he is, look at you, you're married and you have an 18 year old daughter and you've actually been here the whole time. He made a huge mistake leaving you and your mother but maybe it was for the best. You could still be in Florida right now and you may never have met me and had this life, isn't this the life you always wanted? A family of your own, I'm not like him kellz, I'm not going to leave you, I promise"

Kellin's P.O.V

I smiled at Vic's words, he always seemed to cheer me up, even after the worst things possible. He's simply the greatest person I've met. I was speechless so instead I pulled him in to a kiss, he pulled back, wiped away my tears and kissed me again and a few minutes later, I heard my second favourite sentence in the world. My first was obviously vic whenever he tells me he loves me but this one was my Cope shouting "hey dad! hiya Daddy!!"

She ran in and hugged us both, smiling from ear to ear. That's a beautiful sight. I laughed as she ran upstairs falling a little. She's brilliant. Vic started on her food.

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