~"Big Deal" She Said "I Guess You're Official"~

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Vic's P.O.V

We had just arrived at this beautiful restaurant, we were sat away from everyone else and it was just us two, it was great. A waitress came along and took our orders, we were sharing pizza. While we were waiting we started talking about how we'd gotten together in high school.

We talked about the time when I waited outside Kellin's house for 15 minutes before he came out and told me he'd been watching. That time when Kellin followed me and Jaime to school and stared at my ass the whole way.

Most of all we talked about the proposal, I still remember the words id told him.

"I was going to do this on our actual anniversary but now that you mention it, it will be busy. You're lucky I carry it with me just in case the times right and now is right. Kellin...you've been mine for just about a year now..and to be honest. It's been the best year of my life...thanks to you. You're so amazing and handsome and being around you makes me smile so much. You deserve so much more than me but I'm going to fight for you forever, because you mean that much to me. My life without you would be empty and I know marriage is just a slip of paper but I want proof that yore never leaving me because I'm always scared you'll find someone better"

And he kept interrupting me, it was actually really adorable.

"Shut up Kellin...as I was saying I'm scared you'll find someone else but I want you to myself so. Kellin Quinn...will you marry me?"

The thing about kellin is he can understand what I'm thinking and maybe the fact that when I think I tend to mouth things, he looked at me, picked up his glass of wine and raised it in to the air and said "yes". He knew I was saying the proposal in my head. It was great. After the whole hassle we've been through as a couple, everything is finally at its best, our daughter is 18, were going to warped tour in a couple of weeks, I love my husband more and more every single day and I know he loves me too.

We'd just finished our pizza when a the waitress brought us a bottle of what looked like really expensive champagne. "Oh we didn't order that?" Kellin spoke up. "I know you didn't, the woman over at the bar bought it for you" the waitress replied. I looked over at the bar and I didn't recognise her but Kellins mouth was wide open.

Kellin's P.O.V

" I know you didn't, the woman over at the bar bought it for you" I looked over at the bar and it was her. She was there. Ffion. My jaw dropped open, I didn't know what to do, I thought she was in a mental hospital after trying to kill Vic's mother and our baby.

I looked at vic, he looked confused and I mouthed "Ffion" at him. He quickly sat up straight. I stood up and made my way over to her slowly, vic stayed at the table for now.

I sat next to her and before I could say anything she burst out with "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I wasn't myself then, I was upset over my sister's I mean your mothers death, and I took it out on you and your new family, I know it was wrong and I'm just so sorry" I smiled at her and hugged her "I understand" I looked back over at Vic and called him over. He brought the champagne.

We shared the champagne and chatted, mostly about how Copeland is and how the wedding went, some bits about my mother, altogether it was great, but it was getting late, we had to get back for cope, I gave Ffion my number and we said our goodbyes.



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