~ And As We Own This Night, I Put Your Body To The Test With Mine~

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Oli's P.O.V

Cope's Pregnant? She did tell me she was a Virgin, and I know I should've used protection, I shouldn't have taken advantage of her. What the hell have I done?!

I looked at Cope who was standing there mouth wide open, Vic's arm around her waist, then I looked at Kellin, he looked so angry, I didn't know what else to do.

Kellin- yes Oliver, Copeland is pregnant, and do you by chance happen to know the father?

Oli- is it uh me?

Kellin- well done cope, you chose a smart one! Yes Oliver you are the father and I suggest you man up and take control, if you're man enough to bring a baby in to this world then be man enough to watch it grow up.

Oli- can I have time alone with cope, to talk about this?

Kellin- no! Of course not? This should be obvious!

Vic- kellz, give the guy a chance, of course you can Oliver.

Vic left Cope's side and came to take Kellin out of the bus. "We'll be waiting outside cope" she nodded and walked towards me.

Cope's P.O.V

I walked towards oli, ready to talk through all of this, he led me towards the sofa and we both sat down together, neither of our bodies touching. We sat in silence for the first two minutes, neither of us knew what to say, he wasn't wearing the same top as earlier, he had a clean one on this time, black skinny jeans too, there were three rips on the knee area. He spoke up.

Oli- look Cope, I shouldn't have had sex with you, I mean I don't regret it because I do like you, but I shouldn't have taken advantage of you when you were drunk and I should've made sure I was wearing protection.

Cope- it's a little bit late for apologies isn't it? I mean I really liked you and I was willing to give you my everything and I thought warped tour would be amazing because I would be able to see you but all of that changed when you decided to act as if I was nothing? That upset me and now I'm carrying your baby.

Oli- I know I know, I do like you and the only reason I was acting like that was because of the band, they said you were just some obsessed fan and I should stay away, but I don't care what they say anymore, I'm going to be a dad and I have to man up and wise up, I need to look after you and the baby, so Copeland Quinn, be my girlfriend, I promise to love and care for you and the baby.

Cope- I'm glad you're not taking advice from the guys because they're jerks. Yea this started as me being a fan of you but now it's more than that, I really want to be with you so if you promise to man up then yes I'll be your girlfriend.

He smiled and leant in to me kissing me softly and whispering "I promise" as we carried on kissing my phone went off. I looked at the laker ID. Shit it was Avril, I told her I'd meet her by the main stage. I quickly answered.

Cope- hey Avril I'm at the bring me bus, come here?

Avril- uh yeah okay see you in a bit bye

I hung up and kissed Oli one more time before opening the front door to let my parents in. They walked in slowly, looking at me and then Oli, he held my hand to show my parents the situation. Kellin and VIC smiled. Vic hugged Oli "don't forget I can still ruin your career" Oli laughed "thanks dude" Kellin also seemed to loosen up, he shook oli's hand "I'm sorry I got so angry she's just my little girl" Oli smiled "I understand sir, don't worry I can take care of them" he smiled.

Five minutes later Avril walked in, she must have been so confused, me and Oli holding hands.

Avril- uh everything okay?

Cope- uhm yea I need to talk to you, let's go Outside.

We left my parents with Oli, to talk over plans for the future.

Avril- what the hell cope?

Cope- he's my boyfriend Avril...

Avril- what? Since when?

Cope- maybe 10 minutes? It was just before I phoned you.

Avril- what the hell changed his mind?

Cope- I'm pregnant.

Avril- you're what?

Cope- pregnant, Oli is the dad.

Avril- so he's just with you out of guilt? The lil fuc-

Cope- no! He told me why he's been acting like a bitch towards me, his band thought I was some obsessive an but he's assured me he doesn't care what they think because he wants to be there for me and the baby.

Avril- woah, well you know I'm here for you no matter what, congratulations babe!

Cope- Thankyou!

We both went back inside, the three of them were in full

Blown conversation. "I suggest you move in with us, the house is big enough and once you save up enough money get a house together, for now we're okay with pay my food and that, no need to pay rent but you need to have another job aswell as he band" oli's moving in with us?!? Yay!

I knocked on the door and pretended I hadn't heard any of it. They smiled at me and nodded for me to come in. We walked in and I stood next to Oli who put his arm around me and Avril stood next to me. We smiled at my parents. Oli looked at the time "it's 12! You guys have to be on stage at 1, were on at 4, lets get going!" I told them I was gonna go back to the sleeping with sirens bus to change and freshen up and that I'd meet them at the stage later, Avril came with me just in case. We looked at my belly a few times, it didn't look that big but you could see a bump coming along, we started laughing talking about names, Avril liked the idea of naming the baby after her but if it was a girl I liked the idea of mixing my birth mother and Oli's mother, Mary and Carol, that kind of makes Cary which we could change to Carrie? Not sure, if it's a boy I'm hoping Oli has ideas! I slipped on a pair of black leggins and a vest top with my white vans. Avril was wearing denim shorts and a long sleeved baseball top, I brushed my hair and teeth then did my makeup, we were finally ready, I grabbed a bottle of water and we made our way to the main stage for 12:45 just in time to see daddy perform!

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