Narrator's POV: (warning. Smut.)

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            It had been about a week since the whole issue with the Rune Knights and END, and Gray and Natsu were staying in Old Lee's cabin, hunting their food for the most part and just talking, laughing, joking. In the evenings, Gray wandered through the labyrinthine ice tunnels surrounding the cabin, whilst Natsu did whatever it was he did inside the cabin. Though considering there were no sounds of destruction or.... other things, Gray highly doubted Natsu was..... /Gray, you pervert. You were thinking that too loudly./ okay, maybe he wasn't doing anything that gray wanted to... Ah... participate in but still. What could the Pyro be doing for a whole hour that required him to be totally silent? (It couldn't be sleeping, because Natsu snored like a pig.)

           That evening, when Gray returned from his little walk, he found Natsu waiting for him on the doorstep, fidgeting nervously. The Dragon Slayer looked up at Gray, then looked away, a sign of submission, Gray would have thought, if it wasn't from Natsu. They ate a quiet dinner, which comprised of the remains of the wild boar they'd hunted the night before and a bunch of what Gray assumed were vegetables, though they were all slightly burnt and glazed in something that smelt like honey, so it was hard to tell what they were until he'd bitten into them, to find they were parsnips and carrots. Natsu didn't say much, so Gray remained silent too, hoping that whatever was clearly bothering his demonic Dragon Slayer would be blurted out if he gave Natsu a bit of space. However......

Once they'd finished their meal, as usual, they curled up together on the sofa, just enjoying each other's company... was Gray who made the first move. Leaning over to place a fleeting kiss on Natsu's nose, making the pinkette go cross eyed before kissing him properly, a slow, sweet, lips only affair that left the Dragon Slayer eager for more. Natsu leaned forward to deepen the next kiss, eyes fluttering closed, completely oblivious to the deep, contented rumbling he was making. Gray mentally noted that Natsu really was unaware of his purring, almost as if he couldn't hear it himself. Cool arms snuck around warm shoulders, hands gently caressing the back of Natsu's head and neck as they gently made out.

/it should be illegal you know. How much just this makes me aroused that is./ Natsu froze, mid kiss, managing to glare at Gray. Did he mean for him to hear that, or was that an accidental thought? /also, you're purring like a happy exceed./ okay.... definitely aimed at him with the intent to be heard.
.......purring? Wait. Was he actually?.... ah! Uh... okay then. How had he been unaware of that?!? His thoughts were suddenly thrown off course as Gray bit the Dragon Slayer's lip firmly, drawing out a sharp intake of breath that was clearly a miserable attempt at suppressing a moan. Gray's hands begun to wander lower, resting on Natsu's hips, occasionally ghosting over the toned muscles of his abdomen as the kiss went from sort-of-lustful to downright-desperate.

      Natsu was thrilled by this more aggressive kiss, encouraging his icy boyfriend with gentle tugs to the back of his neck and the occasional need whine. Of course, he was still subconsciously purring, though he was unaware of it. He could feel himself getting... excited at Gray's rougher touch, craving more, desperate for their make-out/groping session to mutate into something a bit hotter.

    Gray on the other hand, was almost physically shaking with the effort not to ravage his Dragon there and then. He knew his touches were getting a bit rougher, he knew how aggressively he was kissing by now, but God's he wanted to do more. Right now! He couldn't read Natsu's behaviour all that well, at least, not in this context. Should he do more? Or not?

     Natsu practically jolted out from under Gray when the ice-make wizard took a chance and let his hand dip below the hip line, brushing teasingly over the already firm organ hidden behind soft pants and boxers. barely managing to hold himself together, he smiled in his endearingly sexy way at the Ice-make Wizard (and no, there's no way in any world Gray would ever, ever say that aloud.).

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