building a glee club

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Santana's Point of View

"Why does everything have to be so damn dramatic for Rachel and Kurt?" I ask and Quinn hits me in the back of my head, "Why can't we all just be like, hey Rachel, we're here to help you fix a broken Glee club?"

"Wait," Brittany says and we all look at her, "I thought we were here for Homecoming."

"Yeah but don't tell Rachel that." Quinn says and I cover my mouth so that I won't laugh out loud. We're supposed to be quiet.

"Found the God mic." I hear Kurt say, meaning our plan is in motion, "Okay, I know things a little crazy earlier, and we both said some things about your life that weren't very nice, so...mostly me. Wait, why are you smiling?"

"Cause you were right. About me hiding in here and not being proactive. But when you left yesterday, I had an epiphany and I heard a voice." Rachel says and I groan because I'm tired of sitting behind this damn curtain

You know what? While she talks let me catch you up.

I dropped out of NYADA because I'm now signed with Republic Records. Amazing, right? I haven't told Brittany or anyone because...well there's no reason. I just haven't told her or anyone. Right now, Scooter and I are just in the studio working on my sound before we start working on me. Brittany thinks I'm at school, but I'm really with Scooter or at the diner working a little bit.

Also, I bought a ring...for Brittany because I wanna propose. I don't know when or how, but I'm going to. We're twenty years old and I think we're ready even though other people wouldn't. I just want everything to be final. Once we get married then we're in it till death comes and sweeps us away. I have my doubts about her saying no because there's always a chance but those doubts are smaller than what I know.

Now we're in Lima to help Kurt and Rachel rebuild a Glee Club two years later. Rachel's TV show was absolutely horrible and they cut it right away, so now she's left with all this money that is gonna go towards rebuilding the Glee club. Kurt and Blaine didn't get married and now Blaine is dating Dave, which is disgusting and Rachel and Quinn are still together but Quinn told me they're having some problems. I'm sure it's harder to date Rachel than it is to date me.

And that's what you missed on GLEE! (Sorry I had to.)

"So I got on the phone," Rachel says

"With who?" Kurt asks

"With everyone!" I yell when the lights turn on revealing Brittany, Quinn, Mercedes, and I

"Surprise!" Mercedes says

Kurt and Rachel walk down the steps and onto the stage as Sam wheels Artie in and Puck walks in wearing his uniform

"Welcome back." Puck says

"Hey." Quinn says

"Now the whole gang is back to reboot the glee club." Rachel says as we all get into one big group hug

"Damn it, you guys, you said you'd wait for me to park the rental car!" Tina says complexity out of breath

"Oh, Tina!" We all yell and she rolls her eyes

"Let's go." Artie says

"Come over here." Sam says

"Tina, Tina, Tina, Tina, Tina..." we all chant

"Come on, Tina!" Sam says and she runs over to us with a big smile on her face

Once we're all done greeting old friends, we all go into the choir room. Everybody but Rachel and Kurt take a seat in the chairs. I get chills just thinking about how three years ago I was a senior who didn't know what I wanted to do with myself and now I'm signed to big label and is planning on proposing to the love of my life.

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