Twenty-six; A Father's Love

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The Love of a Father

A Love Far more Stronger than anything

His daughters hero

His daughters first love

A Father's Love

I sat there on my bed as I began to brush through my wet hair, I began to wonder if life would have been totally different if mom was around. Would she have tucked me in bed and told me a bed time story? Would she have listen to me rant about the guy with the green eyes I had a crush on during fourth grade? My thoughts then drifted to my father, I began to wonder if he would have been happier with her around. My father wouldn't of have to worry about me as much as he did, he wouldn't of have cried himself to sleep every night because he missed her. My father wouldn't of have to fake that he was okay when I knew he wasn't, he wouldn't of have faked his happiness for me when he was hurting over mom leaving us.

I wouldn't of have fallen into the depression and my father wouldn't of have to worry about me not eating nor talking for months. I sighed loudly as I recalled that things happened and it's too late to change anything. Then I began to think that if my mother never would have walked away on us those years ago, the relationship between my father and I wouldn't have been as strong as it is today, my father is my bestfriend, my hero, the older brother I never had, and I wouldn't change nothing in the world for him.

A sudden voice took me out of my thoughts, "You okay?" I looked up to see my father leaning against my door, I shrugged as I kept on brushing my hair, "just tired that's all". My father walked in, taking the brush away from me he began to brush my hair, "just tired translates to you overthinking something that keeps bugging you, so tell your old man what's keeping his lil girl all sad", I looked down at my hands as I let out a sigh, "I guess I was just thinking about mom and you, I was just wondering what would it have been if she never left and stayed with us. Maybe things would have been different, maybe you wouldn't have been crying during the night when you thought I was asleep, maybe you wouldn't have to work extra hours to bring food to the table. Just maybe you wouldn't have to deal with the struggle of raising a daughter all by yourself".

My father began to braid my hair as he stayed quiet, like he was gathering his thoughts, "well sunshine sometimes things happen for a reason you know?", I nodded as I glanced down to the hem of my shirt, "Sometimes I just wish life wasn't to difficult for you, a single father raising his daughter while keeping his job, cooking and cleaning the house? Yet you somehow always made time for me, you always made sure I was okay and you gave me the best childhood. Mom wasn't around to teach me the things a mother teaches their daughter, you were there Pop's, you were always there. I just wish I could have helped you make it easier but I couldn't" my father let out a chuckle as he finished braiding my hair, he went to the edge of my bed, sitting down next to me, he grabbed my hand in his, rubbing the palm of my hand with his thumb,

"Come on Bianca, I'm your father I raised you since you where a little girl all by myself. You know how hard it was for me to explain to you what a period was when you came crying to me telling me you were gonna die because you were bleeding. It was so hard to go to work and be able to take care of you, but somehow I did Bianca, and you know why? Because I wouldn't trade nothing in the world for you. You're my sunshine, you're the light to my world, you're what keeps me going on everyday. You're my little girl and you'll always be" I threw my arms around my fathers neck, embracing him in a bone crushing hug, tears streamed down my face as I kissed his cheek, "I love you so much Pop's".

"I love you too sunshine" he pulled away as he wiped his tears, "look at you making me all soft and stuff, come on Steve should be here any minute now" I let out a chuckle as we walked downstairs to the living room.

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