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"Man, to be honest with you—I just wanna rewind." I tell Karislyn. I was sitting in Walmart parking lot, eating a large cup of ice cream and listening to music. It was 10:30 PM.

"Rewind?" She asked through my headphones. Karislyn was a friend I made from church who was actually cool. Even though we don't talk all the time, it's still known that that's my close friend.

"Yeah, like—all the stuff I did in Savannah...whew chilleee."

"What did you do?"

"Let's go in order, shall we? In the time I was there, I got tipsy, lost my virginity, got high and drunk, met a WHOLE new dude, started talking to him, we almost had sex, buddy died—"


"Yesss, girl. I was walking 'round there with the bloop bloop face." I laughed.

"That's messed up. How he die?"

"He got shot. My boyfriend don't think I know, but he did it."

"And you took him back after that?"

"Girl, yes. If he out here killing folks he been knew his whole life just to get to me, then he crazy."

"Girl, you better be A1 if he out here doing it like that."

"Guess so. I just wish we woulda waited on all that. Being fast." I shake my head.

"I feelllll you. The big headed boy I lost mine to wont even buy a pack of pampers."

"Tragi—oh hold on girl, he calling me."

"Okay, call me back." I hung up and answered his call.


"Where the fuck you at?" I looked at the phone like he was speaking a different language.

"Eh? You got the wrong number homeboy."

"Stop playin."

"I'm on my way back." I tell him, putting the car in reverse.

"Bro, yo mama left me with the twins."

"For real? Where she go?"

"Her and my mama went to the club, shawty. The club."

"Ugh." I really didn't wanna baby sit, but I guess I don't have a choice.

"Oh, and she told me to tell you to go pick up yo sister and take her to her sleepover or some'."

"Nigga, it's finna be 11, why she going so late?"

"Ion know! Please hurry up, they look like they tryna wake up."

"Okay, I'm coming." I tell him, hanging up and texting my mama for the sleepover address. After I got done with that, I called Amber.


"Hey, you good?" I ask her.

"I'm straight."

Apply the Pressure (Quando Rondo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now