nothing can compete with the feeling of being with you

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I remember when i was in your car and for some strange reason, the world looked so much brighter. I couldn't stop looking through the windows of your car. Wonder...i finally understood the word. When i looked back at you, i realized...i would do anything for you. It was so easy to smile when i was with you. So easy to breathe and feel...alive. Happiness...i was overflowing with it. it felt like we were in our own corner of the world and...nothing could hurt us here. That was the first time i had ever felt like that. your smile was like a cool breeze on a hot day.  your eyes seemed to dance with joy. i always wonder where you might get your joy from. ever since that day, everything has paled in comparison. sure, i feel happy sometimes, but not nearly as much as when im with you. the pain of missing you feels like ive forgotten how to breathe. every song i hear seems to be about you. i just want to be with you. 

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