a Christmas gift from you

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Hossana to the first office, Hossana to the front office

I heard the announcement in the last 10 minutes of my AP Language class, my last class of the day. I immediately panicked, thinking I had officially gotten detention (I had multiple demerits for being tardy to my first period class because...I'm tired). However, when I looked out the window of the classroom, it was raining. And not just raining, thunder storming!!! I absolute got lost in it. As my classmates hesitated by the door, reluctant to get wet, I sprinted between them. I wasn't having a great day and this just absolutely lifted my spirits. I hanged around for a little bit before my father finally came to pick me up.

I got home, happily soaked from the rain, and got dressed into my favorite pajamas: my theatre sweater, sweatpants and the only beanie I own. I sat on the couch, ready to start working on an essay due Monday (which is now, today). But first, I thought I'd check your book and see if there's a new chapter...I check almost every other day. And I took a sharp breath as I found a new chapter waiting. I opened it and read and read and read. And tears filled my eyes until they spilled onto my cheeks. You didn't have to do this for me...but you did. Somehow you always know how to lift my spirits and make my day. This was so meaningful to me and so...unconditional. For once, I felt the wind carry your warmth to me. And it felt....amazing. Like a warm cup of tea on a dreary cold day.

And so today, i dropped off my stuff at my Art class and immediately headed to the office. My heart was beating and there was a slight quiver in my hand-I was so happy and excited, I could hardly contain it. Once I got there, I told the lady at the front desk of how I had forgotten to retrieve something dropped off here, of which she gave me a playful scolding. She handed me a cute medium sized gift bag with a little Santa  that seemed to be warm with love. A sticky note on the front with my name on it....in your handwriting. I wanted to cry right then and there. However, I said thank you and then my way back to Art class, eager to open the gift. 

Hailey knew-she knows about everything. The second I walked in, she gave me a big hug and how happy she was for me. I sat down as she smiled at me like a sister. And so...i opened it, admiring how beautiful it was all placed. A gorgeous ribbon around my two bags of my favorite candy: sour patch kids. I laughed, a truckload of happy memories coming back. And then... I saw the book. To the moon and back. Hailey pulled me into another hug, whispering he really loves you huh. I wiped my eyes, dangerously watery, and happily chuckled a yeah. damn I love you.

I love you so much and you never cease to show me how much you love me. You make everything so worth it. I can't wait till I see you under th mistletoe, no matter how long it takes. You are my world, Love.

I love you to the moon and back💜

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