experiences/things that describe you

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When it's drizzling outside at night and the moon is glowing. Free candy at a shop. A stuffed animal in a random store aisle. A strangers smile. Hearing your favorite song on the radio. The warmth still left on your hands after holding a hot drink. Flowers that last longer than expected. The way lovers look at each other. An unexpected rush of happiness for no apparent reason. Listening to soft songs at midnight. Laying on the floor and watching the fan spin. Singing when you're home alone. The immersion of reading a book. Checking your reflection on glass walls/mirrors. The beautiful coloring of the sky once the sun has set. A book that's torn and fading because you have reread it so often. Looking through old albums/journals. A scratched and loved instrument. Kids playing tag and laughing carelessly. Waking up in the middle of the night and hearing the soft rhythm of rain that lulls you back to sleep. Finding a new store that you like. Being on the computer for hours playing games. The kind of drowsiness that makes you feel 7 years old again. Warm fluffy blankets on cold nights. Having a jokes that works every time. The way leaves spill onto the roads in the fall like snow. Having someone rub your stomach when your sick. A dark forest that's filled with fireflies. Big tall trees that seem to filled with wisdom. Hugs that leave you feeling warm. 

And so much more.

A Love Letter To You by Shiloh Dynasty

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