how to human

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I'm so sorry your day went like that. If anyone understands that's me. It feels like the world is almost closing in and fear that everyone is noticing every move you make. So now I want to tell you what you told me. 1) It's ok. I can guarantee that nobody was looking at you the way you thought they were and yes, definitely take it slow. breathe. It will be better, I promise. 2) I love you, ok? 

Something that helps me when I get like that, I try and notice the details of one specific thing and repeat it in my head. For example, If I was in the restaurant, I would look at the waitress and notice the color of her eyes, her ethnicity and her hair color and slowly repeat them in my head. Blue eyes with green specs, mostly likely European, brunette. Try and memorize it. If you're still not feeling better, notice more details (nail color, amount of makeup etc.) It helps forget whatever you/I might be overthinking. It's not a one-and-done solution, but it helps control and minimize the feeling. Also, breathing exercises. I have the gif above on my phone and I use it all the time; if it helps, save it on your phone. It's a life saver.

And of course, being human isn't easy; but isn't that the beauty of it? The very definition of being human?

I love you.

~a fellow introvert who's learning how to human

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