feeling warm again

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Today was an ironically extraordinary day. I felt the warmth you talked about and...it was amazing. I was playing a radio station when a song by Coldplay came on and...I couldn't help but think of you. I could almost see you smiling to it. I started dancing and singing and it felt like you were there and it was just...the happiest thing ever. I can barely describe it. I laughed realizing how ridiculously happy I was despite all that happened today, but I was so proud. I took to heart what you said. When happy, laugh. Survive. I found my own reason to be happy and...laughed. My reason in all honesty, was kind of ridiculous (my outfit), but it was something and...it worked. I'm surviving. I know I'm slow, but slow progress is better than no progress, right?  Thank you.

A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay

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