the feeling of your hand in mine

18 4 0

the downfall 

of maintaining contact through words

is that the silences becomes

all the more


giving room to fear 

-'did I do something?' they whisper

the air you breathe 

carries the same force

that fuels forest fires

destroying everything in its path




the air you breathe 

carries the same force

that gently moves meadows

carrying pollen in their wake




the air you breathe

is so much more

than just


it is a force that makes you

gentle and yet


-now breathe once more

I know we'll make it

I know we'll be ok

I know we'll come out stronger

I know we'll love one another

I know we'll be happy once again

I know we'll stay up late watching movies

I know we'll lose track of time on dates

I know we'll walk hand in hand

I know we'll be together again

-we have to

the sound of paper 

as you turn the page.

the flash of lightning

through the window of your room

during a midnight storm

briefly lighting your room.

the dust on old books

in a quiet library

almost begging

to be held and read

treasured once again.

the warmth of your skin

that slowly reaches your heart

from the gentle sun

warming even the coldest

parts of you.

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