1 year of us today

13 1 0

(I took this photo)

and I shouldn't miss you more

but I do

and I could try not to think to think about you

but I can't do the impossible

-except maybe wish for you

I see you out the corner of my eye

but by the time I turn

you're  gone.

when I do see you

though our time may be short

your presence engulfs me 

so that when you do leave

the essence of you remains

like stardust from the galaxy.

Not all here

but not quite gone.

-I'm in love with the lightning boy

Please be happy. When you are in a good mood, we feel like sunshine. There are no troubles, I don't feel any weight in my mind-i am tied to hundreds of helium balloons that let me leap and land softly with every step. Everything is so easy and beautiful; effortless, laughter, pure, gooey delight.

I want you to be as close to me as possible, at every minute of the day. When we pull away, all I can think about is coming closer again. My heart glows in my centre, bright, white, yellow, pink, orange, deep reds and purple.

Feeling cared for by the human who does this to me is the closest thing to magic I will ever experience. I am so grateful, so lucky to have you look into my eyes and wish them to be happy. Can I really make your chest feel like mine?

-What's it like? written by dodie (one of the many pages next to bed)

I am both...incredibly happy we've made it this far and yet...incredibly heartbroken I can't celebrate it with you. Or at least...in person.  Part of me wants to call you, part of me wants you to call me...but i have no clue if either of those things are going to happen. I miss and love you dearly. I can't put into words...just how much I would give to have you next to me right now. 

Victor, since the day I met you, you have changed my life. You taught me how to love others and myself, grow beyond my insecurities, and remember that I am always loved. I can say with confidence that I would not be half the woman I am today if I hadn't met you. I don't say those words lightly, I mean it.

I have no idea what made you want to date me, but fuck am I glad you did. Every time I look at you I constantly think "fuck, that's my man" and it's crazy insane. You are so loving, kind, gentle, talented, hilarious, intelligent, hardworking, fun, interesting, handsome, lovely...all these beautiful qualities that make me wonder why you chose to be with me. 

In being given the privilege to be a part of your life, I constantly strive to make you happy. To support you in any and every way i can, remind you how much I fucking love you, and just...be a blessing in your life.

I love you, Victor. Happy 1 year anniversary💜❤️💜

It's always darkest before the dawn

Magic by Coldplay

Oceans by Coldplay

Pretty Woman by Lo Noom

Easily by Bruno Major

Breakthrough by Red Rocks Worship

Best Part (feat. H.E.R.) by Daniel Caesar

Lost In You by Khai Dreams

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