it happened

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holy shit. Holy shit. It happened. It fucking happened. It's  h a p p e n i n g. also, THATS US^^^ i don't know why I still cover the eyes and shit when I post actual pics of us for these chapters...but I just do *shrug*

After 5 years of knowing you, almost 1 1/2 dating you, and all the hell we've been's finally happened. Wait, fuck, this sounds like we broke up; WE DIDNT BREAK UP. My parents finally gave us full reign to be together. My mother saw the pain rather than ignore and more than, saw her part in doing so. Both of my parents got to meet you and...they love you. More than that, they adore and trust you. 

I keep thinking it's a  dream and my main priority is not to wake up. Yes there's still other shit to deal with but oh my fucking god we DID IT!!! I can see you, talk to you, go on dates with you, and you can do the same with me! We can have all the cheesy ass dates we've been robbed of and even have proper dates to prom; our final prom. 

Im  just. So happy. Constantly, because of this.

I know we both have busy lives but just the fact that we have the open opportunity to see each other whenever we please?? Fucking superb

aight, imma keep takin care of my ankle (of which I sprained 2 days ago at a soccer game). Love you and I love of all of y'all 🧡

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