Valentines Day, Love

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You wonder how I did it? It's complicated...yet perfectly simply. So grab a seat, maybe the bear if you so desire, and please...hear my story about me being ridiculous...but happy.

I knew that I wanted to give you both gifts for Valentines Day,. It's one of my favorite-and to me, one of the most important-holidays. It's about love and gifts and really just being happy! Love in every way shape and form should always be celebrated! So I went Valentine's Day shopping with my mom, claiming the extra gifts I got were for two other friends she knows. Kas and Abby. She likes them, and didn't question it. The bags I got on a trip with my brother with the same excuse. I learned not to trust him and so I absolutely refuse to do so again. I hid all of it in my room and only worked on it when I was in the house alone. The gifts I had for vic, I bought on an outing with a friend in cash. The paintings? Those I painted in my room. Now came the hard part-delivery.

I asked Kas if she could drop it off; she said yes. However, this week she told that she had work all 5 it wouldn't be possible. "But" she said excitedly "I convinced Elijah (her bf) to do it." And so...he did. He FaceTimed/called me when he arrived so I could help him find his way around. He dropped off the gifts at the front desk, told her to give them to whom the names belonged and called me once more. "You want me to see if he might be in the gym? You said he might have volleyball practice?" I was nervous....a fear I didn't know I had arose from the ashes. What if you didn't want to see me? "oh um, it's ok, you've already done enough for me!" I rushed. Suddenly aware that I was still in uniform, despite being at home for 2 hours, and quite a mess to behold. There was silence...a door opening? "Ah....i don't see him. I'm sorry Hossana" he said. He made his way back to his car as I mumbled a quick "thank you" and ended the call. I was extremely elated that I had been able to give you both gifts, but...the fear still held my heart. 

Would you even want the gifts...? From me?

Still, I forced myself to get up from the floor I realized I had been laying on, and changed to go train. Then came today. I was worried all the day about whether or not you'd like the gifts but also elated that you were receiving them. I read Kari's chapter and...well, the fear washed away. It was quickly replaced with happiness and tears. If she loved it, surely you did too. Ugh, I love you both so much. Both of you are so worth it❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm so happy I could give you gifts and you enjoyed them❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for receiving them❤️💜

and of course,

I love you

to the moon and back.💜💜💜

Coffee by beabadoobee 

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