and through it all: you

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Thursday night

i dreamt of going to a hotel

the lobby was so large

and I spent hours exploring it

with my seemingly perfect family

and out of the corner of my eye

I saw


I felt time stop as my eyes glued

onto your presence

my mind raced

my heart glowed

both terrified yet 

incandescently happy

"how do I greet him without my family noticing??"

and to my absolute disbelief 

not only did they see you

they loved you

each and every one of them embracing you

with open arms and hearts

and I started sobbing

as you finally looked at me

and I saw tears in your own eyes


I woke up.

the true agony came

when I realized


was not

a memory

-I do dream and it breaks me every time

when I am frustrated

sad, distressed or in pain

I sing

with every single ounce of being

as if it might all go away.

I've taken hundreds of voice memos

for years

occasionally sending them to friends 

and they

love it

but all I hear

is the pain hidden behind quarter notes

and quiet tears in the rests 

the painful sigh

as every inch of darkness in my soul

rises in my agony

and slowly

leaves my body.

Singing is both


and painful

-the medicine is bittersweet 

I arrived home

from possibly the most frustrating day

by far

and when I entered my room

the window was


and one succulent was missing


I felt tears welling up 

and scratched my arm on broken glass

grabbing the succulent


and nestling him back into his pot.

Why am I so attached to him?

it's not really him, it's  just a plant, I wondered


it made me realize

it's the one of the few things

that keeps you close 

-broken window


drips like poison

from the lips of decievers

and we are taught

that we can become


that the venom will cease to burn

our delicate flesh 

rotting our mind away

that the venom will deflect

like water.


lies spoken by those

without scorch marks of their own.

you never become immune

you just learn

to ignore 

-happiness and success is the greatest revenge


wash my sins away

make music in the night


light the darkness in my soul

bring a smile to this face


shake the fear off my bones

remind me the power of God


bring life into these lungs

and yet make me forget how to breathe


soften my heart

wrap me in your cloak of wonder

glistening moon

make these tired eyes shine once more

effortlessly elegant, as you always are

-the closest feeling to being with you, is being in a thunderstorm

And of course

I love you

to the moon and back💜💜💜

Art Exhibit by Young the Giant

100 Bad Days by AJR

Temporary Love by Ben Platt

Crystal Clear by Pharrell Williams

Como Yo by Juan Louis Guerra

I Wrote This For YouWhere stories live. Discover now