a little bit lovesick

15 2 1

 like a constellation

together we make something


-i can see the Big Dipper from my window


once more

remember that this life

is your own

-if you don't like something, change it

Do you remember

the bench we sat on in Park Avenue?

Every time I go,

there is always a new couple

husband and wife

fiancé  and fiancée 

boyfriend and girlfriend 

sitting silently 

like we once did.

Sometimes they simply

enjoy one another's company

or sip a warm coffee

as they watch the crowds migrate from 

place to place


every once in a while

they're smiling at their child

giggling in the grass

running with the wind

or even climbing a tree


I can't help but

wish that maybe 


that'll be you and me.

I know I'm 

maybe thinking too far ahead

or being weird all together

(no surprise there)


that's how I think

and you've always known

that having a family

has always been my dream

-maybe her name was Melody

I'm learning to treat myself

the way you would treat me.

Something beautiful 

worthy of love




And though I am not typically 

what you see in the gallery 

I am still


-and I am treasured and precious

I Wrote This For YouWhere stories live. Discover now